
Your Are Known (In Detail)

How do you feel when you read today’s verse?

Verse of the Day

‘You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.’

Psalms 139:2

Today’s Devotional

I will admit that there have been times in my life when it was not thrilling to think about God knowing all of my movements and my thoughts.  Today, I find comfort in this.  Not because I am always doing what I “should”, but because I am getting more comfortable in my relationship with God.

What I love about this verse is that God watches over me no matter what I’m doing.  He is always present and always aware of me.  That makes me feel seen. And loved.  Part of the purpose of studying our God-given identity is to know that we are loved by God.  As in, REALLY KNOW that we are loved.  And as we know this love, we are filled with God’s love for us to the point of overflowing.  THAT’s how we can love others well.

God is reminding us today that He knows the little details of our daily lives.  He is also telling us that He knows our thoughts.  “Even when I’m far away.”  It does not matter if I am actively pursuing a relationship with God or if I have turned around and I am running away, He still knows what is going on in my mind.  

Let’s just contemplate for a moment how monumental of a task this is for God. The experts disagree about how many thoughts humans have each day, ranging from 6,000-80,000. The current population of the earth is around 7.98 billion. On the low side, that means God is aware of almost 48 trillion thoughts each day. (If I did the math correctly. It was a lot of zeroes.) But the Bible doesn’t mention that this is especially difficult for God. He’s that powerful. God knows the thoughts and actions of every single human. Every single day. For all time. And this same all-powerful God wants you to know and believe that you are known in detail and loved with abandon.

God is pursuing your heart no matter what.  That’s how important you are to Him.  Everything about your life matters to God.  Instead of being intimidated by that, can we see if for the beautiful thing that it is?  You really are that important to God.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How does God make Himself known to you in your daily life?

Are there parts of your life you try to keep from God?  If so, invite God into those areas today.  (Spoiler alert: He’s already there.)

How do you feel unimportant to God?

How can you accept the truth of how important you are to God?

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