
You Have A Divine Plan

When do you invite God into your plans?

Verse of the Day

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord . “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11

Today’s Devotional

I think we often make plans for our lives and then invite God into those plans.  But what if that isn’t part of our identity?  Think about how we, as humans, normally think of our identity.  We have a career and we allow that to define us.  We allow our marital status, or children, or hobbies, or financial means to determine who we think we are.

We must be willing to re-think our core identity.  You are not your job.  You are not your race or gender.  You are a beloved child of God, and He has made plans for you.  And if you will notice, the plans that God has for you are GOOD.

I believe it is time for us to question what we are telling ourselves about who we are.  We tell ourselves things without even realizing that we are doing it.  But if we are willing to question, examine, and invite God into the ways we think about our identities, then change is possible.

If you think of a coach, he or she probably creates a game plan for the players to execute.  If all the players are willing to listen to the coach, take suggestions, be teachable, and work in unity with the other players, then this team would be unstoppable.  What if part of our identity is allowing God to make the plans for our lives?  We could then listen to how and where God is directing us.  We could take suggestions from the “nudges” that God gives us.  We could continually be teachable as we are carrying out God’s plan.  And we could work alongside God’s other children as they each carry out their plan. 

God is the planner, we are merely the instruments He uses to carry out the plan.  Ultimately, if we truly trusted in the goodness of God and His plans for us, this would be a much easier part of our identity to embrace.

I asked God this morning to show me, specifically, how to align my day according to His will. I asked for Him to teach me how to align myself with His will while still accomplishing the tasks that need to be done today. It’s easy for me to read the Word in the mornings, and to declare that God has good plans for my life, and then get on with my day. But…I feel this nudge from the Holy Spirit that accepting, believing, and living in my God-given identity is an all-day-everyday assignment. And on my own, I don’t know how to do that. I have plans for today. Today’s verse says that God has good plans for my life. I need God’s help to make His divine plan for my life be the guiding force behind my daily plans. I need His help to believe that I am who He says I am, created to do what He has planned.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How have you made plans and THEN invited God in?

How trusting are you with the goodness of God and His plans for you?

How can you listen to God for what His plans are for you?

How can you take suggestions and be more teachable?

How can you support the efforts of another person today?

How does God being the plan-maker shape who you think you are?

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