
You Are United

Which details of your identity are important to you?

Verse of the Day

‘There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.’

Galatians 3:28

Today’s Devotional

The descriptors used in this verse are ones that were important to many people during the time that the Bible was written.  What labels do we find important today?

American or European (or elsewhere)?

Republican or Democrat?

Male or Female?

Rich or Poor?

High Class, Middle Class, or Lower Class?



Boss or Employee?

Leader or Follower?

Have or Have-Not?

Those are just a few labels or descriptors that I hear being used in today’s society.  I’m sure there are many more.  And guess what?  Paul is saying that these labels don’t matter.  What matters to your identity is Jesus.

This verse (and others like it) is a strong call for unity among believers.  We can lovingly disagree with each other about non-Gospel matters.  We can treat each other with the utmost respect, kindness, and love because that is who we are.

We are all one and all equal.  Unity.  Being united and unified is part of our identity.  Treating others well is how we were made.  If there is any doubt about that, please read the Gospels and look for how Jesus dealt with people who were socially and culturally VERY different from Him.  Jesus was only harsh with those who thought they had all of the religious answers.

In this list from Paul, it seems to be easy to say, “Yeah, you go Paul! I am with you.  Help that church to see that Gentiles and Jews are equal, and that men and women are equal. They really need to understand that.”  However, where am I judgemental today?   Where do I not see everyone as equal?   And if I thought we were all equal, would I go more out of my way to meet others where they are?   

Unity is part of your identity.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What labels do I need to step away from?

How do I need to see myself differently?   

What can I do to see the similarities I share with others?   

How can I love someone who, on the outside, looks different from me today?

How can I seek unity today?

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