
You Are Seen By God

Do you feel significant?

Verse of the Day

‘You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do.’

Psalms 139:3

Today’s Devotional

It is hard wired into our human DNA to search for significance.  We long to be seen, known, accepted, and included. What if, as part of our God-given identity, we are seen, known, accepted, and included no matter what any human says or thinks about us? Stop for a few seconds and allow yourself to really think about that.

The God of heaven is telling you today that He sees you.  Not in a creepy, watching your every move to smite you kind of way.  He sees you the way a loving mother keeps her eyes on a child who is playing on the playground.  She keeps watch so she is aware, to keep the child safe, to watch for potential threats, to keep the child from hurting himself.  That’s the way God is watching you today and everyday.

Just like the mother watches her child at the park as well as at home, God cares enough about you to see everything.  Not just when you go to church (or not).  Not just when you are serving others (or not). Not just when you are obeying (or not).  Notice that this verse talks about travel and rest.  Let’s translate that as “at work and at play”.  God literally loves you so much that He can’t take His eyes off of you.  You are that precious to Him.  He’s not watching you to control you.  The truth is that God adores you.

Both of my daughters live many hours from home.  In times when I am really feeling their absence, I wish that I could just peek in on their lives.  I want to see their faces.  I want to know that they are OK.  I want to make sure that they know that they are loved, and that I am here if they need anything.  I have no desire to see them so that I can “catch them” doing something they shouldn’t be doing.  That’s not my intention at all.  I believe this verse is telling us that God CAN and DOES watch our daily lives for the same reasons.  God wants to see your sweet face.  God wants you to be OK, and better than just OK.  God wants you to know that you are loved.  God wants you to know that He is always here and you always need Him.  You are seen by God because He is crazy in love with you.

Just writing and then reading these words today is very tender for me. I want SO BADLY for these truths to sink into the depths of my heart. But I have quite a bit of unlearning and re-learning to do. This is a process. A process that will take a lifetime. One of our pastors at church says that, “we never graduate from the school of identity”, so clearly I am not alone in the need to fully believe that I am seen, known, accepted, and included by God. What steps are you willing to take today to believe what God says about you?

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How do you feel seen by God?

How does the description of God’s love for you make you feel?

How would you ask God to make you sure of your significance to Him?

What steps are you willing to take today to believe what God says about you?

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