
You Are Part of the Body of Christ

How good are you at seeing your part in the Kingdom?

Verse of the Day

‘All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.’

1 Corinthians 12:27

Today’s Devotional

Imagine that you have a beautiful puzzle.  You know that when all the pieces fit together, it will be perfect.  Breathtaking, even.  But what if each piece of the puzzle thought that it was the only piece?  What if certain pieces of this puzzle did not want to be connected with the pieces around it?

What if part of our identity is our knowledge that we are each just a part, and that our togetherness makes us whole?

Each one of us plays a part in the Kingdom.  And all of us together are Christ’s body.  We accomplish the mission of God when we all play our part.   This means that our identity is that we play an important part in the mission of the church.   What an honor, what a responsibility, and what a wonder!

It’s a gift that you only have one small role to play.  It’s God’s design that we must all work together, each of us doing our part.  All together, we are the body of Christ to the world.  Do you see the beauty of that?  God the Son put on flesh and came to earth as Jesus Christ of Nazareth. After His ascension to heaven, God still has flesh on this earth. It’s us. All of working together.

I am in awe by how God gives each one of us just a little bit of what is needed, so that when we all work together and rely on each other we see the wholeness and completeness of God.   

I can’t do what some of you can do, but I can do the things that God has equipped me with.   I can use the talents and gifts that God gave me to contribute to His kingdom, to my neighborhood, to my church, to my family.  In doing those things, I become a working part of the body of Jesus.

Today, Lord, I pray that you remind each one of us of our part.   Remind me of the things you have blessed me with that allow me to do my part.   Help me to work well with those you place around me.  Help me to be an encourager to those whose gifts are completely different from mine.  Help me to embrace my identity as a vital part of the body of Christ.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What gifts have you been given that you need to use to love someone around you? How can you use those gifts today?

What is special to you about being a part of something bigger than yourself?   

How have you been blessed by someone that was just doing their part?   How were you blessed by them using their gifts?  

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