
You Are Made in God’s Image

Do you have a good grasp of your image?

Verse of the Day

‘So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.’

Genesis 1:27

Today’s Devotional

It is my belief that if I can truly grasp who God says I am, then I will be able to receive God’s unending love for me.  If I can believe who God says I am, I will be deeply drawn to want a relationship with my Father. And as I am continually filled with God’s love, it will spill out of my life as God’s love changes me from the inside out.  My identity is not my name, what I look like, how much money I have, what country I live in, or anything that can be seen on the surface. My identity is not based on lies I’ve believed or wounds I have received (or inflicted upon myself).

Looking back at today’s verse, it says that I am made in God’s image.  So are you.  All human beings bear the image of the creator God.

I have no idea what God looks like.  But I believe what the Bible says.  I have no idea how, specifically, we bear the image of God.  

People who know me and who know my biological daughter say that we look a lot alike.  I don’t see it.  But other people seem to see it.  Some people say she also really resembles her aunts on my husband’s side of the family.  No matter who she resembles, you can look at her and have no doubt that she is our daughter.  That’s what God sees when He looks at us.  To him, there is no doubt that we are His.  He made us, we resemble Him in ways we probably cannot see or understand.

Each of us is created and formed by a God that CHOSE to make us in His image.  God is incredibly creative. Any trip to a zoo or a botanical garden can reveal God’s amazing creative ability. (And, if you look at a baboon, you will also see that perhaps God has a sense of humor.) Perhaps our God-image is our ability to love, since God is love. Whatever it means, God chose each of us, over everything else He created, to bear His image. That tells us that He values us, in a way we likely can’t fully comprehend.

You are created in the image of the One True God. Whose you are and Who you resemble matters. But you must decide if you believe it and if it matters to you.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What do you think God sees when He looks at you?

How can you see that you are made in God’s image?

Do you know that God is proud to call you His own?

How do you see God’s love in the fact that you are made in His image?

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