
You Are Known

How much does God know about you?

Verse of the Day

‘O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.’

Psalms 139:1

Today’s Devotional

The next few days, as we continue to study our identity, we will be looking at several verses from Psalm 139. I highly recommend reading this entire chapter before we go on.  Just click on this: PSALM 139.

Go ahead.  I’ll wait.

If there was ever a doubt about God’s care and concern for you, then I challenge you to read this chapter every day for a period of time.  Let the beauty of these words sink into your soul.

You are known by the God of heaven, my friend.  He knows things about you that even you don’t know.  He knows why you react the way you do to things.  He knows why you get worried and scared.  He knows all of your secrets.  He knows all of your wonderful, precious qualities.  He knows where you struggle.  He knows where you have victory. He knows where and how you trust. He knows where and how you doubt.

And knowing everything about you does not scare Him away.  If anything, His knowledge of you makes Him yearn for you even more, to draw you closer.  He can see how much you need Him.  And He is so proud of the areas where you have submitted to His Lordship.  He applauds you when you choose kindness and selflessness.

One of the things that most humans long for is to be accepted. Intertwined with that, is the desire to be fully known and still accepted as we are. However, we have a tendency to cover up (or change) who we really are in order to be accepted. This part of our identity- of being fully known, loved, and accepted by God- is such an invitation. But it’s hard for us to accept because it flies in the face of what this world has been teaching us since we took our first breath.

If you have ever had a time in your life when you thought no one understood you, then today’s verse should point you to the truth that God knows and understands you. Just for a moment, sit and breathe in the truth that God knows everything about you and He is absolutely crazy about you.

You are known by God.  Known and loved by the Creator.  It’s overwhelming.  It’s who you are.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How does it make you feel to be known by God?

How does God’s knowledge of you shape your identity?

As God examines your heart, what parts of yourself do you need to invite Him into?

How does it feel to breathe in God’s knowledge of you exactly as you are today and His full love and acceptance of you? Tell Him how that feels.

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