
You Are God’s Possession

Do you feel precious to God?

Verse of the Day

‘…you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.’

1 Peter 2:9

Today’s Devotional

You are chosen by God.

You are a royal carrier of God’s message.

You are part of a holy community of believers.

You are God’s precious possession.

We have moved to a different town and as we meet new people, many say something like, “Tell me about yourself.”  Not one time have I answered with, “Well, I am chosen by God, I am royalty, I am a carrier of God’s love for you, I am holy, and I am very precious to God Himself.”  Not once.  In fact, those words wouldn’t cross my mind if someone asks me about myself.  Why?  Because my thoughts are still conditioned by this world.  I’m afraid you would think I was arrogant (or crazy) if I answered that way.  But God says EXACTLY THOSE THINGS about you and me.

I believe that if each of us believed our identity in Christ, then we would behave in a way that would attract others to the love of God.  That’s why studying our identity in God is so very important. I read a quote online today that speaks to this point.  “Live in such a way that those who know you but don’t know God will come to know God because they know you.”  That’s the goal, people!!! And we cannot live in a way that draws people to our loving God without firmly knowing and believing what God says about us.

You may not feel royal or chosen or precious to God, but that doesn’t make it any less true.  My prayer is that each of us will push aside any doubt and allow these truths from God’s Word to penetrate into our souls.  Only then can we love others like Jesus loves us.  Look back at today’s verse.  It says that once we accept our identity, THEN we can show others the goodness of God.  

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Write in your journal the following truths: I am chosen by God. I am a royal carrier of God’s message. I am part of a holy community of believers. I am God’s precious possession.  

How hard is it for you to truly believe those statements?

How can you show someone the goodness of God today?

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