
You Are God’s Masterpiece

What do you think of when you hear the word “masterpiece”?

Verse of the Day

‘For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.’

Ephesians 2:10

Today’s Devotional

You are God’s masterpiece.  What do you think that means?  According to a couple of different dictionaries, a masterpiece is: a work done with extraordinary skill, a supreme artistic or intellectual achievement, a person’s greatest piece of work.

About all the created world that God made, He said it was good.  When God created man and woman, He said it was VERY good.  Humans are God’s masterpiece, His greatest achievement.

Unlike a piece of art or a symphony, which is created to be enjoyed, you are created to do good things.  Art and music have the purpose of enjoyment and experience.  A car is created to be driven.  A home is built to provide shelter. You are created to do good things.  

Perhaps our identity will be easier to accept if we will do the things we were created to do.  I am not here to make my life better, be more comfortable, have more possessions, or have all the answers.  I am here to do good things that God planned for me to do.  Those things will be the kind of actions that bring glory to God and good for others.  Those actions will point people to God.  But…I can’t do the good things that God has planned for me if I don’t spend enough time with Him so that He can share His plan for me.

You and I are God’ masterpiece.  We are created for greatness.  The kind of greatness that brings honor and glory to our skillful Creator.  It’s who we are and what we were created to do. 

Are you living your life as God’s masterpiece today?

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How can you accept that you are a masterful creation of God?  Do you know that He is proud of you?

How hard is it for you to accept your identity as God’s masterpiece?

What good works do you think God wants you to be doing?

How can you ask God what His plan is for you?

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