
You Are Complete

Do you feel whole and complete?

Verse of the Day

‘For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.’

Colossians 2:9-10

Today’s Devotional

Just as God’s fullness is evident in the Person of Jesus, so too are you complete, as in completely whole and able to function in your purpose, because of your belief in Jesus and your willingness to participate in a relationship with Him.

Do you feel complete?  Or do you feel lacking?

I feel lacking.  I feel heavy.  I feel incapable.  But the lacking and the incapability are lies.  Because the Bible says the opposite.  The heaviness I feel today is because of struggles that others are dealing with.  I have a friend who tried to commit suicide.  She is young and vibrant and has so much potential. I have another friend who drank alcohol after 7.5 months of sobriety.  This was the longest she had ever been sober after many years of trying to get sober.  They both believed lies, and they acted upon those lies.  One thought she wasn’t enough, the other thought that alcohol would make her feel better.  Both are lies.  And lies are way too easy to believe. I heard in a sermon recently, “When we believe the lies, we empower the liar.”

I have discovered that truth is harder to believe.  I have to tell myself the truth over and over until it becomes my reality.  I absolutely believe in Jesus and the salvation that He offers, but do I really believe that He will help me in every moment of every day to fulfill the purpose that He created me for?  The only way I can allow Him to prove Himself to me is to turn my life over to Him every day, sometimes many times each day, to allow Him to function as the ruler over every facet of my life.

Fun fact: Some people do not submit to the authorities in their lives.  When it was on the air, we used to watch LivePD. After watching for just a few minutes, you will see people that are trying to evade the police and live by their own rules.  It generally doesn’t turn out well.  But Jesus isn’t hunting us down to make us follow His rules.  He is seeking us like a genuine friend so that we will know Him and therefore we will WANT to follow His example.

I am united with Christ.  I know this to be true because the Bible says so and I have seen the evidence of this truth in my life.  So on days like today, when I do not feel complete and capable, I will tell myself this truth of His love and grace and strength over and over.  I will bring my burdens and fears to Him and let Him show me how to behave today.  I will seek His face in worship.  I will praise His holy name.  I will not carry burdens that are not mine to carry.  I will trust that the only way that I am complete is walking hand in hand with the Lord.  If Jesus came to seek and save the lost, then I will know today that I am sought and I am found and I am saved.  Not just for eternity, but in this very day.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How do you feel incomplete today?  What does the Bible say about that?  (If in doubt, go to the Topical section of and do a search.)

How can you submit to the authority of Christ in your life today?  

What truth do you need to repeat to yourself today?

What lies do you need to confront with the truth today?

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