You Are Born Through Truth
Where do you come from?
Verse of the Day
‘He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.’
Today’s Devotional
Our place of origin can be important. Where do you come from? I had a conversation recently with a man who was from North Carolina. I asked him if he knew of a certain town in that state. He said, “I was just there last weekend. It’s a great little town!” I proceeded to tell him that I was born in that little town. But I have not been back there since I was 3 years old. He then told me about all of these cool places that are there that I needed to visit. He asked if I knew where a certain ice cream store was. He asked if I had been on Main Street recently. He really wanted to connect with me about the town where I was born.
But I know nothing about this town other than that I was born there.
Sometimes I think we have a similar relationship to truth. We are vaguely aware of truth, but we no nothing about the details of God’s Truth and what it means. Perhaps we are even farther removed from truth because we don’t even realize that it’s where we come from.
Read today’s verse again. God CHOSE to make you, to create you, to give you life. And he brought each of us to birth THROUGH TRUTH.
So where do you come from? You come from Truth.
At this point I need to be honest and tell you that I’m not really sure what that means. Even the many commentaries that I use did not shed any light on the meaning of this particular phrase. But God saw fit for it to be contained in the Bible.
When a baby is born, there is no deception in him (or her). A baby is keenly aware of his need, hence the crying. A baby is completely reliant on the care of others for everything that he needs. So perhaps, in our birth, we are in a position of truth. Because even as adults, we need to be keenly aware of our need for God. We need to rely on Him for everything.
No matter the particular meaning of this phrase, we come from God, therefore we come from Truth. And when our life on this earth is over, we will return to Truth. Perhaps during our life, in the time in-between where we came from and where we will end up, we need to seek to live in truth. Because truth is where we came from and what we were created for.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How do you identify with your particular place of origin?
How can you see truth in an infant?
How has the world diverted you from truth?
How can you ask God to help you align your life today with His truth?