
You Are a Child of God

Do you know that you are a child of God?

Verse of the Day

‘See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know him.’

1 John 3:1

Today’s Devotional

Part of our earthly identity is our family of origin.  Our lineage.  This is also true of our spiritual identity. It’s our job on our journey of faith to claim the identity God is declaring over us.

Today’s verse tells us that our biological parents are not the lineage we should be claiming.  We are called to honor our father and mother, and I believe that is important.  But if someone asks you who your father is, the answer is God.

If someone were able to ask God who His children are, your name would be listed.  So would mine.  If God carried a wallet, your picture would be in it.  If God had a cell phone, your picture would be saved under “Family” or “Favorites.”

Let the truth of that sink into your mind and heart today.  You are God’s child.  His family.  His offspring.  And I dare say that He is proud to call you His own.  He is so proud the He is continually trying to help you be a better versions of yourself.  You are not the “black sheep” family member that He has written off and doesn’t invite to Thanksgiving. You are not just God’s child, you are a deeply loved child of God. God loves you as His child in a way that doesn’t make sense. But it doesn’t need to make sense to be truth.

I’m proud and honored to tell you about my daughters.  They are mine and I claim them.  I love them deeply. My daughters are mine no matter what they choose, what they do, or how they behave. God feels the same way about you. And me. It’s time we start believing the beauty of this truth.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How does it feel that God calls you His child?

How can you acknowledge God as your Father today?

What does your Godly lineage mean to you?

What would change in your life if you truly believed that God claims you as His child?

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