Psalm 51

Willing to Obey

Who or what is your master?

Verse of the Day

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.”

Psalms 51:12

Today’s Devotional

“Obedience” is a word that doesn’t sit well with many people.  Perhaps because our culture likes to make us think that we are our own master, therefore we should have no one to be obedient to.

If you believe in the Creator God, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, then let me break it to you as gently as I can.  You are not your own master.  Full stop.

If the thought of obedience rubs us the wrong way, then it may be time to ask ourselves who our master really is.  Because we will be obedient to something.

Am I my own lord and master? Do I consistently obey my own desires?

Have I made the world my master?

Is my bank account my master?

Am I ruled by time, the clock, and my productivity in the time I have?

Is the opinion of others what is ruling my life?

Is fear, worry, or anxiety running the show? If so, are they my lord?

Is God my true master? If so, is that evident in the fruit of my life?

These are tough questions, friends.  Because the truth is ALWAYS in the fruit.  Whether we want to admit it or not.  Other than God, every “ruler” or “master” from the list above (and many others) is an oppressive ruler.  We can never win or get ahead with anything or anyone on the throne of our lives other than God.  

If we are going to be ruled by something, then how do we place God on the throne of our lives?  Jesus tells us the answer to that is obedience. “When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!” (John 15:10-11)  Jesus even tells us that He is obedient to the Father.

If you notice, Jesus is also telling us that obedience brings joy.  He’s telling us to obey so that we will be filled with joy overflowing.  David says the same thing in today’s verse, just in the reverse order.  And David adds a simple prayer as part of his statement.

“God, make me willing to obey you.”

This is one of the most powerful prayers we can pray.  We can logically agree that God should be on the throne of our lives, and that we should be obedient to Him.  But in the moment, that’s not generally our instinct. We want to love God and give Him our time, but the alarm doesn’t go off so we don’t start our day with Him, and then we are so busy after work that He never gets any of our time.  We want to love others, but when the guy cuts us off in traffic, we lose our temper and say things to or about another one of God’s kids that probably doesn’t qualify as loving.

I don’t know about you, but I need God’s help every single day for the willingness to obey Him and for His power to carry that out. Because most of the time, the acts of obedience are not what I want to do.  I had a situation yesterday where I knew what the right thing was to do, and I simply did NOT want to do it.  So I prayed this simple prayer from David. And God was faithful and helped me.

There is renewal and joy in our lives when we put the proper Person on the throne of our lives and consistently obey Him.  God says it’s true.  Jesus echoed the same message.  The Holy Spirit is here to help us to carry it out.  Maybe it’s time we ask ourselves who we are obeying. And ask God for help each day for the willingness to obey Him.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Based on the fruit of your life, who is your master most of the time?

How have you seen the reverse of this verse – the lack of joy that comes from disobedience to God?

Have you had joy with obedience?

How can you put God on the throne of your life today?

Are you willing to ask God for a willingness to obey Him today? 

This verse is a great verse to use in your meditation practice.

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