
Who Do You Want To Be?

Verse of the Day

‘So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.’

Romans 5:11

Today’s Devotional

Can you think back to when you wanted to learn to drive?  You were probably getting close to the age when you could get your driver’s license and you wanted the freedom and independence of being able to go places without being driven by your parents or friends.  Do you remember the draw and appeal of the freedom that awaited you?

However, there were steps you had to go through in order to achieve your goal.  There was some reading and studying.  There was practice.  Then more practice.  There was frustration, especially with learning to parallel park.  There were probably some mistakes made along the way.  There was maybe some fear, though you probably did not admit that.  There was quite a lot of effort involved in becoming a proficient, safe driver.

I propose to you today that this same process applies to us as we learn to accept and live out our God-given identity.  There is freedom and joy available to each of us.  But to get there, we need to go through the process.  This world tells us, every single day, things that are contrary to everything we have been studying for the last month.  If we want to fully accept and believe the things God says are true about us, we have to do the work of tearing down the lies we have unwittingly believed and learn the truth.  This process will take reading, studying, practice, frustration, mistakes, courage, and more practice.  And prayer.  Lots of prayer.

So the question is…who do you want to be?  Let’s look at what God says about you and see if that’s who you want to be.

  • You are made in the image of God.
  • You are a child of God.
  • You are loved and chosen by God.
  • You are not ever forgotten.
  • You are set apart.
  • You are God’s possession.
  • You are ransomed.
  • You are cherished by God.
  • God has plans for you.
  • You are known by God.
  • Your thoughts and movements are known by God.
  • You are seen by God.
  • God knows your words.
  • God goes before you.
  • You are a citizen of heaven.
  • You are new.
  • You are God’s masterpiece.
  • You are a part of the body of Christ.
  • You are united with other believers.
  • You are Jesus’s friend.
  • Jesus lives inside you.
  • You are a temple for the Holy Spirit.
  • You are complete.
  • You are not condemned.
  • You are a branch off of the vine of Jesus.
  • You are formed by God.
  • You have light from God,
  • You are at peace with God,
  • You are not your own.
  • You are near to God.

If that list describes the person you want to be, but yet you don’t fully embrace and accept that identity, then it’s time to get to work.  As I read over that list, I clearly have work to do.  I still struggle with insecurity, fear, and self-doubt that those things are true about me.  That means I have work to do to lean into the truth that God has spoken over me.  I long for each of us to fully believe, embrace, and live the truth that God declares over us.  In order to do that, we have work to do.  But it all depends on how we want to live on this planet and if we are willing to fight for our hearts to believe God’s truth.  So…who do you want to be?

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What parts of your God-given identity are the hardest for you to accept?

What work can you do today to believe what God says is true about you?

Who do you want to be? How can you work to align that with what God says about you?


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