Where Does Truth Lead?
As you seek to understand truth, what do you do with truth when you find it?
Verse of the Day
‘Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me. Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live.’
Today’s Devotional
I experienced something recently that felt pretty disappointing. I was disappointed in myself, and I felt like I was alone. Do you ever feel that way?
This happened on a Sunday, so I was looking forward to attending church and getting lost in worship, praise, and adoration of God. Basically, I was looking forward to being in an environment where it would be easier to get out of my head. To stop thinking…about myself.
The beauty of God’s truth is that it leads us to a place where all of our troubles shift into the correct perspective. Never are we told that living a spiritual, God-focused life would be all rainbows and puppy dog kisses. But when we ask God to send His truth and light into our lives, AND WE FOLLOW WHERE IT LEADS, we are led directly into God’s glorious presence. Which makes any struggle we are facing feel less overwhelming.
I love today’s verse because it reminds me that the truth of God is not something to simply be admired. The Bible, or any other communication with God, is not just “nice” or something good to participate in occasionally. God’s truth is our guide. It is meant to be followed, not just admired. All day, every day.
If we are willing to follow God’s truth as our guide, it will likely lead us into some places that feel pretty uncomfortable on this earth. But if there is anywhere I want to be, it is in God’s presence. Today’s verse tells us that God’s truth leads us into God’s presence, but it does not tell us all the steps along the way. We are not given the details of where the Truth will lead us, which makes it a little scarier to follow. Doesn’t it?
Today, I’d like to be a person that bravely asks for God to show me His truth and light. I’d like to ask that God will give me His strength to follow wherever His truth leads, and I’d like to follow that truth into the divine presence of God. Because there is no place else I’d rather be, no matter how scary each step on the journey may seem.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How have you experienced a “lack” of spiritual depth by just admiring God’s truth? Did you know that was what you were doing at the time, or can you only see it now in hindsight?
What truth and light have you asked for from God?
How and where is God leading you now?
How have you experienced the presence of God? Did it make you want more?
How can you follow God’s truth today?