
What’s in a Name?

Verse of the Day

‘The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.’

Proverbs 18:10

Today’s Devotional

Have you ever been in a situation where knowing the right person made all the difference?  Sometimes, it’s not WHAT you know but WHO you know.

Today’s verse tells me that this might be a biblical concept.

God is strong.  He is so strong that even His name has power. Speaking out loud the name of God and calling on His power is not a magic trick. Sometimes I wish that it was.

I need to be honest and tell you that verses like this make me feel inadequate.  I have been staring at my computer off and on for days, not knowing what to write.  I know God is strong.  I believe that God is powerful.  But I have no idea what to say about it.

Then one word stands out to me in today’s verse: “RUN”.  Run is an action word.  Actions I can understand.

If I am in any situation where I need strength or protection, this verse tells me to RUN to God.  Not sit back and wait for Him to show up.  Not tip-toe in God’s direction.  Not hide in the corner until I’m not scared anymore.  RUN TO GOD.

What does that mean?

I would imagine that for each of us it looks a little different.  I can tell you what I have needed to say to myself all week.  (I have been in a funk.  It’s been a challenging week.  And I have had major writer’s block.  I have been stuck.)

So here’s the advice I am giving myself: Say this verse out loud.  Literally.  Say out loud, “The name of the Lord is a strong fortress.  Those who run to Him are safe.  So God, I am running to you, even though I’m not sure I even understand what that means.  I trust in your power.  I trust in your plan.  I know that you are good.  I know that you love me.  I am running to you.  I admit that I try to run my life on my own strength.  I admit that I try to solve my problems by myself instead of asking for your help first. So today, I am running to you and I’m sitting at your feet.  I ask that you help me to stay out of the way and allow you to have authority in my life.”

I believe that running to God might look different for me today than it might need to look tomorrow.  But I know that it will always involve action on my part.  I long for a life that is characterized by the strength and power of God.  If that is the case, and if I am willing to participate, then I need to keep my spiritual running shoes laced up and ready.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What does running to God look like for you today?

How has it looked different in the past?

How do you need God’s strength and protection today?

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