What Really Matters?
Do you struggle with being judgemental of others?
Verse of the Day
‘In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.’
Today’s Devotional
I used to read verses like this and think, “Really? Did people really not like other Christians based on stuff like that?” But then I remember human nature and current events. So here’s what I need to learn based on this verse.
-If you are a Christian, then I should not care what church you do or do not attend.
-If you are a believer, it is none of my business where you are on your spiritual walk. I can be an encouragement without judging you.
-If you are from another country, I can respect the differences in your traditions and preferences as we serve and worship the same God.
-If you are in my tribe of believers, it’s absolutely ok for us to have different opinions about non-essential matters. I can disagree with you and still love you.
This list could go on and on. But here’s where I get stuck. It is REALLY easy to be judgmental. I had a conversation with someone the other day who is in a really difficult part of her spiritual journey. Let’s call her Jane. A mutual friend of ours (let’s call her Tara) did something Jane did not like, which is what we were discussing. Jane had not handled something well. And Tara was concerned about her and brought it to my attention, because I am mentoring Jane. This was done out of concern, with not even a hint of tattling. But Jane, instead of being willing to see where she might have gone wrong, immediately went on the attack. She got very angry and said, “Well, do you know that Tara is living in sin with that boyfriend of hers?”
Listen, whether or not I approve of or agree with your decisions, your decisions are none of my business. If we are in a close enough relationship, and your decisions might be hurting your witness of the Gospel of Jesus, I might say something. But I would say it after careful consideration and much prayer. But if we are not in a close relationship, then your choices are absolutely none of my business. If you are a believer, then it is God’s job to convict you of things that He wants you to change. If you are not a believer, then how in the world would my judgement make you want to know my God?
My job is to love, even when it’s hard and uncomfortable. Maybe even especially when it’s uncomfortable. That’s why I need Jesus so much. Because I don’t always know how to do that in those moments. So let’s just make a decision today. Let’s stop judging each other. Let’s not make other people’s lives and faith and spiritual journey our business. I have enough problems living out my faith well to worry about whether or not you are doing it right.
If Jesus is all that matters, and He is, and He lives in all believers, which He does, then why can’t we leave it at that? If we don’t know how to do that, let’s ask Jesus for the Holy Spirit to teach us how to love better. The only time Jesus was condemning was to the know-it-alls. So I should NEVER think that I know very much. I don’t ever want to be in the know-it-all category, so I need to constantly remind myself of who I am without Jesus. I don’t want God to ever be disappointed with how I treat His other children. And I need lots of help with that. So today, I will stay close to Jesus and ask for lots of help to love others the way He does.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How have you struggled with being judgmental? Do those things really matter?
Who are you without Jesus? Who are you WITH Jesus?
How can you set down your natural tendencies to judge others today?
What can you do to love someone well?
If there’s someone specific that you are struggling with, can you pray for that person to have the blessings in their life that you want in yours?