
What is Joy?

Do you find that there is a difference between joy and happiness?

Verse of the Day

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭51:12‬ ‭

Today’s Devotional

Joy.  It’s a quality that I want in my life.  But what is joy? In order to answer that question, I did some research.  And the answers I found are all over the place.  Some people take the stance that biblically, joy and happiness are two very different things.  Other people say that the words for joy, happiness, gladness and blessed are used interchangeably in the Bible. But here’s what I know:  Joy is listed as a fruit of the Spirit, along with many other wonderful characteristics in Galatians 5:22. And if something is on that list, I want it.

It’s my opinion that joy is both an emotion and a state of being.  Happiness (aka “joy”) is an emotion, and is the result of favorable circumstances or attitudes.  Joy as a state of being requires action and an attitude that we can possess regardless of our circumstances.  Think about that.  If you describe someone as being a very kind person, you are actually saying that this person does kind things for others (consistently).  So, if I am a joyful person, I not only feel joy, but I also act in a way that is joyful around others and toward others often.

So let’s talk about how we can embody joy.

There are lots of ways to increase our capacity to be joyful.  One of the main ways (in my experience) is to maintain correct focus.  Am I focused on my problems and difficulties? Or am I focused on God and His faithfulness? If I am honest, it is easier and the path of least resistance to focus on the problems at hand. It takes intentional effort in the face of those problems to shift my focus toward God and His will.

As I read today’s verse, I realize that no matter what is happening in my life, I have something that is cause for celebration.  I am redeemed by the blood of Jesus.  So are you if you believe in Him.  God loves us so much that He provided a way for us to be reunited with Him, both now and forever.  There is, and should be, JOY in my life as a result of the simple and marvelous fact that I am saved and redeemed.  I should look at my life and my daily circumstances through the lens of my joy.

But notice that today’s verse says “restore” my joy.  Sometimes we lose focus.  Sometimes we forget.  But God is so good that when we ask, He will remind us of our salvation.  He will help us redirect our focus back to what really matters, which is that we are saved.  Because He loves us that much.

Years ago, when we were in the middle of our foster care and adoption journey, I lost my focus.  I forgot the reason WHY we were doing this.  I forgot that this journey was in invitation from God that we accepted. I forgot that my job was just to show love. I forgot that Jesus was with me and was holding my hand.  I forgot that the person receiving our love did not need to accept it.  I forgot that God’s job is the outcome, my job is the effort.  I felt incapable, unappreciated, and mad.  I was mad that God asked us to do something that was too hard for me.  I just plain forgot.  Because my focus was off.  If I’m being really honest, my focus was on myself, and how I was being affected.  My focus should have been on Jesus.

God loves me so much that He has helped me to regain my focus on Him.  It’s something I hope to improve upon everyday of my life.  Today, I have joy.  Because I am saved.  Because even in the middle of my brokenness and mess, I am loved by God.  And because I am loved, and because I trust Him, I ask everyday for willingness to obey Him.  And the more I obey Him, the more my joy grows.

Embracing joy is often best achieved through gratitude.  Learning to choose gratitude has changed my life.  It has increased my measure of joy. What are you grateful for today?

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How can you look at your day today through the lens of your salvation?  Does it change anything for you?

Write out a “thank you note” to God for your salvation. 

Ask God to teach you that joy, which is a fruit of the Spirit, comes from Him. 

Ask Him to make you willing to obey Him today.  Today is going to be a great day.

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