
What is God’s Will For Us?

Verse of the Day

‘Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.’

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Today’s Devotional

Happy Sunday! Happy Thanksgiving week!  Can anyone guess what our new theme is?


Gratitude.  Giving thanks. Being grateful. Showing appreciation.

So what is gratitude?  I have read several studies on the science of gratitude. One study from the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley defines gratitude as a two step process: (1) recognizing that one has obtained a positive outcome and (2) recognizing that there is an external source for this positive outcome.

That definition falls short for me. It’s all about recognition.  I can recognize someone in a crowded room, but until I say “hello”, that recognition lives only inside my head.  I like the 2 steps in the above definition, but I would add a third step: (3) doing something (whether spoken, written, or actional) to acknowledge that the positive outcome came from the external source. 

Now…let’s go back to today’s verse: “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you…”

Have you ever been struggling with what the will of God is for your life?  This verse answers that question. God’s will for me today is to find something to be grateful for in every single situation I am in.

My husband and I have been through several weeks and months where lots of decisions have had to be made.  We diligently prayed that we would make decisions that align with God’s will.  Never once did I stop to think about this verse.  I never stopped to ponder that instead of seeking God’s blessing over what I wanted, that God’s will was actually my gratitude.

Let’s apply that to a fictional circumstance.  Suppose I have to make a decision about a job.  I am currently employed but a new potential opportunity has come on my radar.  My first instinct would be to pray that God show me His will for my employment.  But if I am to take this verse and apply it to the situation, here’s what that might look like.

-God, thank you for my current job that helps me to pay the bills and keep my family fed and safe.

-God, thank you for opportunities, both the ones I currently see and the ones you have yet to show me.

-God, thank you for the skills and abilities you have given me that allow me to work at any job.

-God, thank you for allowing me to bring my options before and for any guidance you may give me.

-God, thank you for the knowledge that no matter what job I am in, you are in control of all things.

I know what some of you (including me) are thinking.  “That’s all well and good, but how do I actually make a decision?”

I believe that gratitude changes my perspective about my world and what I see.  I believe that when I am focusing on my blessings instead of my uncertainties, the answers about any decisions I need to make just fall into place.  I believe these things because I have seen them happen in my life and in the lives of others.  I believe that having a heart of gratitude makes the uncertainties more bearable.

If God says in His Holy Word that His will for my life is for me to be grateful, then what have I got to lose?

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Have you ever struggled trying to find God’s will for your life or in a specific situation?

What do you have to be grateful for today? 

Think of a situation that is troubling you today and make a gratitude list about that situation. 

How can you show God that you believe the truth of this verse?

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