
Weakness Before Strength

Are you weak?

Verse of the Day

‘He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.’

Isaiah 40:29

Today’s Devotional

He gives.

He gives power and strength.

He gives power to those who need it.

Those who need it are weak and powerless.

We live in a culture that puts a high premium on personal strength and power.  It is not very comfortable to identify as weak and/or powerless. In fact, weakness is something that I really struggle with.  I do not like to be weak.  I do not like to appear weak to others.  I do not want to display anything that might point to weakness.  I doubt that I am alone in this. And this is not something I am proud of.

But this verse is very clear.  I must be weak and powerless in order to receive God’s strength.  My guess is that I am always weak and powerless, whether I realize it or not.  The hard part is recognizing the truth of my weakness. And admitting it to myself and to God.

The beautiful part of this verse is the willingness of God to help us.  He is constantly willing to stand in the gap for us.  All He asks of us is to recognize our need and believe in Him.  That’s it. That doesn’t seem like too much to ask.

What if the admission of our weakness is the equivalent of plugging a lamp into the wall outlet?  Before it is plugged in, it’s not terribly useful.  But once it is plugged in, it is incredibly useful.  Because it has power.

Let’s not overcomplicate this verse.  If we want God to give us His strength and power, we must admit our weakness and powerlessness. Then we ask for God’s help.  And then thank Him when He shows up.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What is one area where you have really been struggling?

How can you honestly acknowledge your weakness to God?

How have you covered up or compensated for your weakness?

Ask God for help.  Ask Him to give you His strength.

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