Study / Thoughts

We Have A Choice

Who or what do you allow to have control of your mind?

Verse of the Day

“So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:6‬ ‭NLT

Today’s Devotional

I used to read verses like this and think that someone with a mind controlled by the sinful nature was someone who planned and carried out evil, like robbing banks, dealing drugs, home invasions or cheating in business.  And I didn’t do any of those things, so surely I was letting the Spirit control my mind.  Right?

The more I study, the more humility I must have with regard to verses like this.  So today, let’s take a look at some ways that everyday Christians might fall prey to allowing our sinful nature to control our minds.  Let’s just look at some different definitions of the seven deadly sins.

Pride: Do I ever have an excessive belief in my own abilities?  Do I ever (even subconsciously) go about my day without including God?  Isn’t that saying, by my actions, that I don’t need God? Do I remember that a healthy pride in my accomplishments is fine as long as it is coupled with humility and gratitude?

Envy: Do I ever desire the traits, status, abilities or situation of others? Do I overlook the work that went into someone else’s situation and just want those same results for myself without the effort? Do I resent someone for having what I want? Do I believe that the world owes me more than I am able to earn by my efforts? Do I remember daily that I reap what I sow?

Gluttony: Do I consume more of anything that is required?  Do I eat too much?  Do I spend more money than I have?  Do I spend too much time on social media or watching TV?  Am I ever greedy with my time and attention?

Sloth: Am I ever avoidant of physical or spiritual work?  Do I procrastinate? Does the slow process of spiritual growth frustrate me into stalling out in my efforts?  Do I do today what I am meant to do today?  Do I use my time wisely?

Covetousness:  Do I have an inappropriate desire for material wealth or gain while ignoring the realm of the spiritual?  Do I want something that someone else has? Am I open handed with everything that I have, or am I grasping and clinging tightly to things that I think are mine?

Lust:  Do I ever have excessive cravings for the pleasures of the flesh?  Do I ever confuse sex with love or lust with desire?  How comfortable am I with genuine intimacy?

Anger: Do I pause before I react in anger?  Do I allow the actions of others to determine my feelings and actions?  Do I tell myself that I am just an intense person, thus excusing bad behavior?  Do I ever say words, feel things or do things that are out of proportion to the situation?

After reading that, I must admit that there are times when my mind is controlled by some of these things.  There are times when I am not filled with life and peace.  I clearly have work to do.  The key to this verse for me is my choice in the matter.  I have the choice to LET my mind be controlled by my selfish nature.  I also have the choice to LET the Spirit control my mind.  I get to choose what or Who controls my thinking, which in turn will affect my actions.

One of the first ways that we start to re-focus our thinking is by recognizing and challenging the thoughts that are not in our best interests. Our thoughts will not automatically be focused on God’s Kingdom just because we are believers. It takes work. Part of that work is asking for God’s help to see which thoughts are from my sinful nature. Then I challenge those thoughts with God’s truth, which I find readily in His Word. This process takes time, consistency, repetition, practice, and intention. But if God transforms me by the renewing of my mind, then this work is worth the effort.

Today, I choose to have life and peace, which means I have to get out of my own way and make room for the Spirit to work. Today, I pray that God will reveal to me when my sinful nature is making itself at home in my mind, so that with God’s help I can evict my sinful nature in that moment from my mind.  I pray that I will make room in my mind for the Spirit to work.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Where do you struggle with your sinful nature? 

How can you make room today for the Spirit to have more control of your thinking?

How can you embrace the life and peace that the Spirit offers?

How can you practice noticing your thoughts?

How can you intentionally challenge your unhealthy thoughts with God’s truth?

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