Truth Points to Jesus
What’s the point of truth?
Verse of the Day
‘But I will send you the Advocate—the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me.’
Today’s Devotional
What if our journey to discover truth doesn’t look the way we thought it would? What if living a life of truth looks totally different than we imagined?
Several times in my life I have had a pretty strong opinion about something that was then radically altered when I was confronted with facts that did not align with what I thought was true. Most times, this shift in perspective was about something pretty insignificant. Other times, these kinds of realizations had much more meaning.
As we dive into truth, I keep thinking there might come a point when I “arrive” at spiritual wisdom or maturity. Or at least notice significant progress. The more I study truth, the more I realize that this arrival will never happen in this lifetime. If the Holy Spirit’s job is to point me into ALL truth, then where is the Spirit pointing me?
According to today’s verse, the Spirit will always be pointing me to Jesus. If I am constantly being pointed to Jesus, then every single day I am confronted with my need for a Savior. I think that might be the point of truth.
The truth is that I want to be reunited with my Creator, my Father, my God. The truth is that I cannot be reconciled to God without Jesus. The Spirit lovingly reminds me of these truths. And if the Spirit is always pointing me to Jesus, then I will notice how Jesus treated people. I will notice how He handled conflict. I will learn how He prayed. I will see His compassion for others and I will be willing to ask the Spirit to help me to behave in a similar fashion. I will see the servant nature of Jesus’s character and I will want that for myself. To be a servant, I will need to learn to let go of my own selfish desires. In order to even be able to recognize that selfishness, I will need the Spirit’s help.
Ultimately, I need the Spirit’s help to realize that my life is not about me. I need help learning what it means to live a life of truth, based on Jesus. Learning to live a life that consistently points to Jesus is not something I can do on my own. Today, I am grateful for the Spirit’s help. Because the truth is that I need all the help I can get to become more like Jesus.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How has the Spirit pointed you to Jesus?
How can you ask the Spirit today for help to see what you need to see?
Are you willing to ask the Spirit to make you more aware of the things in your life that do not point to Jesus?
How can you be the hands and feet of Jesus to someone today? (If you don’t know, ask the Spirit for help.)