Truth Can Teach Us
How good of a student of truth are you?
Verse of the Day
‘Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.’
Today’s Devotional
As we continue studying TRUTH, has your perspective or understanding shifted any? Jesus says that He is the truth. (John 14:6) He also said, as He prayed for us, ‘Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.’ (John 17:17) The more we study the truth of Jesus and His Word, the more we will be able to combat the lies that constantly bombard us.
I want you to think back to your time in high school and/or college. I want us to spend some time thinking about what it takes to be taught. First, we must attend classes. Once we are in class, we need to listen to the lessons given by the teacher or instructor. We would be wise to take notes during this instruction. Likely, there will be homework given, which we must complete and turn in. This homework, though it often feels like busy work, is necessary for us to begin to really understand the subject matter. Sometimes there are group projects. (Can you see me rolling my eyes?) A group project, though usually very frustrating, can help us to use our individual knowledge and apply it in a broader sense while working with others who have a different perspective. Then there are tests. Our grade in such a class will be based on our participation in each and every one of these different aspects of learning.
I think we would be wise to take a similar view in our desire to be taught by God’s truth. God can teach me all day long, but if I am not present, or listening, or taking notes, or doing any assigned tasks, or putting the lessons into practice, I am not going to learn the lessons being offered.
If we believe in Jesus, our eternal salvation is secure. But what if God is offering us salvation from dire earthly circumstances by our willingness and participation in being taught by His truth? What if some of our difficult circumstances are tests to see if we will put to use what He is trying to teach us?
According to today’s verse, God is available to us all day long. He is always there to guide and teach us with His truth. God must be our source of hope, not a change in our circumstances. But if we are honest, that can be hard to do. Which makes me wonder if I am being a good student to the lessons He is offering me.
Going back to our time in school, there was a lot of work involved in being a diligent student. Maybe today we need to ask for God’s help to be diligent students of truth.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How has Godly knowledge or wisdom saved you from a troubling situation?
How good of a student of the Word are you?
How teachable do you think God would say you are?
How can you ask God to become more teachable?
What lessons has God been trying to teach you that you need to participate in more fully?
How can you put your hope in God alone today?