Simplicity / Trust


What do you treasure?

Verse of the Day

“Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”

Matthew 6:21

Today’s Devotional

Let’s start today by looking at what we have learned this week about simplicity and seeking God’s Kingdom.

  • We are called to worship God in spirit and in truth.  We learn to let go of the temporal and physical as we intentionally turn our attention toward the majesty of who God is.
  • If the Kingdom is a matter of power, then we need to be asking God for the discernment to wisely use the power we have been given to advance the Kingdom – even in our own lives.
  • Fear no longer drives us when we make an active choice to trust and praise God no matter our circumstances.
  • To fully seek God, we need to release control over our lives, our finances, our possessions, and our people.  We decide that we trust God more than we need to feel ok.
  • We delight in God when we choose Him over anything and everything else.
  • We choose to believe God when He says that each one of us is enough.  We seek only His approval.

Today’s verse contains the words of Jesus as He teaches us how to correctly value material possessions and money.  But this one sentence, thrown in the middle of a lesson on simplicity, gives us a litmus test.  If I want to know where my heart is, I look to what I treasure.  But I can’t make this determination by looking at what I THINK I treasure, or what I want to be my treasure.  No, I think Jesus is telling us to look at our lives.  Where do I spend the most time?  How and on what do I spend my money?  For what purpose do I pour out my talents and abilities?  What do I think about most?  We use our resources on what we value, on what we treasure.  If we are treasuring the wrong things, then our heart is in the wrong place. So…with the Spirit’s help…we change what we treasure if those things are not honoring of God’s Kingdom.  When we do that, our hearts will realign with the heartbeat of the Father.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What (if anything) stands out to you from the last week of your pursuit of God?

Where do you spend the most time?

How do you spend your money?

For what purpose do you use your talents and abilities?

What do you think about most?

Based on those answers, what do you treasure?

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