The Shepherd Sustains
Do you long for rest?
Verse of the Day
‘He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.’
Today’s Devotional
Do you always know when you need rest? If you have ever been around a toddler, it is evident that as humans we cannot always see when we need rest. But generally others can see our need for rest by our behavior.
In researching this verse, one commentary says, “The LORD as a shepherd knew how to make David rest when he needed it, just as a literal shepherd would care for his sheep. The implication is that a sheep doesn’t always know what it needs and what is best for itself, and so needs help from the shepherd.”
I will fully admit that I don’t always know what is best for me. And sometimes I don’t even know how to rest. But if, in my need, I turn to God, He will show me where and how to rest in Him.
It’s my experience that “green meadows” and “peaceful streams” don’t always mean that everything in my life is exactly as I think it should be. What if our rest comes when we acknowledge that we trust God completely…with everything?
I love that this verse implies that God leads us to the places and conditions where we will be able to truly rest. In his book A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, Philip Keller writes that sheep do not lie down easily and will not unless four conditions are met. Because they are timid, they will not lie down if they are afraid. Because they are social animals, they will not lie down if there is friction among the sheep. If flies or parasites trouble them, they will not lie down. Finally, if sheep are anxious about food or hungry, they will not lie down. Rest comes because the shepherd has dealt with fear, friction, flies, and famine.
The invitation of this verse is to bring our “conditions” to God. If there are things that are standing in the way of our ability to rest in God, we can bring those things to the Shepherd. We can then release those things to Him. It will not be easy, but He is faithful to lead us to where we need to be. I believe that God needs us to rest in order to be active workers for His Kingdom.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How can you acknowledge your need for restorative rest to God today?
What fear do you need God to handle?
What relational friction do you need to turn over to God?
What irritants in your life do you need to release to God?
What physical needs do you need God’s help with?
How can you trust the Shepherd today with everything?