The Right Path
How do I actually make discerned choices?
Verse of the Day
‘Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.’
Today’s Devotional
We have been focusing on discernment for a few weeks. And as much as I love to study a topic, there comes a point when we all need to know how, specifically, to apply certain teachings. This can be difficult when it comes to discernment. If we are truly following Jesus, then we will want to know His direction for our daily lives.
I’m of the opinion that the best way for me to obey today’s verse is to pray and move. As I move, I trust God to show me when I have misinterpreted His guidance. As I see these mistakes, I can change directions or tactics.
There’s a key here that cannot be stated enough. If I ask you to show me something, or to point something out to me, what is the unstated assumption? The assumption is that we are together. Therefore, if I want God to show me the right path, I must be spending time with Him. If I want God to point out the right road for me, then I must acknowledge that God is on the journey with me and is available and invited to give me direction.
I listened to a podcast recently by Father Mike Schmitz. It was short and to the point, and honestly it seemed like the intended audience is young adults. (I will include a link to the podcast at the bottom.) However, his explanation of how to run certain decisions through a discernment filter was really insightful. He explained that there are four potential “doors” that a decision must pass through in order for us to take action, specifically on big life decisions.
The first door is, “Is this a good thing?” Some things might end up being neutral, as in they are neither good nor bad. Other times, there is a very clear “good” or “bad/wrong/evil”.
So if the thing we are looking at is good, we can keep going. The next door is, “Is this open to me?” Some really good things may not be available to me. Today, I would really like to be on a beach somewhere. That might be a good thing for rest and renewal and enjoying God’s beauty. But today that door is not open to me. The work and productivity door appears to be open for me today.
Next, if our decision is good and available, we ask, “Is this wise?” Going back to my desire to be at the beach, it may be good and it may even be a viable option, but it’s not a wise choice for a Tuesday of a busy week. Discerning whether or not an option is wise for us may require prayer and waiting. It also might require some trusted spiritual advisors who are willing to be truthful.
Once we have decided that something is good, open, and wise, the last question is, “Do I want this?” God gives us desires of our heart for a reason. Something might be a good, open and wise choice, but if it’s not what I actually want, then it’s not a good choice for today. Many times we might be choosing between two really good options. In that case, which option is my heart more drawn to?
I highly encourage you to take 7 minutes to listen to Father Mike’s podcast. He explains it much better than I do. Ultimately, if we are spending time with God so that he can show us a certain path, that’s more than half the battle. God wants our hearts. He wants to be invited into the decision making process of your life.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How often do you make decisions without inviting God into the process?
How can you spend more time with God each day?
How can you use the four questions to help with any decision you may be facing?
What path are you deciding about? Ask God to show you the path He wants you on.
Podcast Link
4 Helpful Rules for Discernment by Father Mike Schmitz