The Purpose of Comfort
Why does God offer us comfort?
Verse of the Day
‘He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.’
Today’s Devotional
I had coffee with a friend a couple of months ago. I had asked her if we could meet because I kept hearing from other people how amazing her faith is. I did not know her well, as our paths did not cross often. When we got together, we talked for hours about our faith, the messiness of the faith journey, and how great our God is. It was beautiful.
During this encounter, my friend told me a story that makes me laugh when I remember it. She had been having some health issues, and she needed a minor medical procedure. Before this could happen, she had an appointment for a consultation. Just a consultation.
On the day of this appointment, she told me that she was incredibly nervous in the waiting room. So she prayed. As she was praying, she recited Psalm 23. I can just imagine this scene. Can’t you? We have all been nervous before certain appointments.
In the middle of her anxious recitation of Psalm 23, she felt her Father say to her heart, “Daughter, you are ok. I am here. This is NOT the valley of the shadow of death. This is a doctor’s appointment. And not even for the procedure. This is only a consultation. You are fine. I am here.”
As she told me this story, she was so vulnerable. She was poking fun at herself for being so nervous and laughing at how God reminded her that her reaction was not in proportion to the situation.
What was the purpose of God comforting her in that moment?
When I need God’s comfort, my only motive in that moment is that I want to feel better. I want the discomfort to go away.
But God never wastes any of our pain. Not one moment. Not one tear.
God comforted my friend in the waiting room because He is kind and He cares very much that she was scared. According to today’s verse, the purpose of her comfort was ALSO so she could share it with me that day over coffee. Her story gave me comfort as I was wrestling with God about something. It continues to give me comfort that God comes to us even when we are being a little dramatic. Or a lot dramatic. Several times since she told me that story, in moments of feeling anxious or overwhelmed, her story has come to my mind. I have been able to say to myself, “This is not the valley of the shadow of death. But whatever it is, God is with me.”
God does comfort us. Often not the way we would choose, and often not as fast as we would like. He comforts us because He cares for us so deeply. And the comfort He gives does not end with us. He gives to us so that we can share with other people who are hurting and need comfort. And in doing this, when we share with others how God has comforted us, He is trusting us with the work of being His hands and feet and voice. That is incredibly humbling. And incredibly beautiful. Our God really is so good.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How has someone else’s journey helped you or brought you comfort?
What pain that you have experienced has God used for good?
How have you comforted someone else based on the comfort God has given you?
Write a prayer to God asking for His comfort. And ask Him who needs your words of comfort.