
The Obstacle

Who or what is the obstacle to seeking the Kingdom?

Verse of the Day

“We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person?”

1 John 3:16-17

Today’s Devotional

There is so much I continue to learn about the Kingdom, and how to seek it and how to embrace Kingdom principles in my life.  But knowing something and following through on something are two very different things.  

We all have obstacles that block our path in the pursuit of the Kingdom.  For me, my biggest obstacle is…ME.  I have a hard time laying down my life – my desires, my agenda, my schedule, my demands, my preferences, my opinions, my desires, my preferred outcomes – in order to seek God more fully.  I am the obstacle.  Or rather, my flesh, my sinful nature is the obstacle.  

Author Kim Maas puts it this way: “As followers of Christ, we are to lay down our lives freely for the sake of the Kingdom. We must come to the place where we are willing to pay the price. A passion for self-preservation can drive people to make decisions that compromise their moral values and personal integrity. They do not do what they know to be right, or they feel compelled to do what they would never do under normal circumstances. 

Sin has been forgiven. Death has been conquered. Satan has been thrown down. The Holy Spirit has been poured out. The Kingdom of God is advancing. Jesus has ensured victory, promised eternal life, imparted His peace and issued the call and commission. Can we be anything but fearless, even in the face of suffering and persecution?”

Instead of self-preservation, we are being called to give ourselves up.  Deny our self-focused desires.  We are called to literally seek God’s agenda instead of our own. The obstacle here is that if I seek God’s Kingdom instead of my own, I might not get what I want. Which leads me to ask myself. “Are my wants and my needs for self-preservation more important than God’s design for my life?  Do I trust Him enough to live the way He is asking me to?”

God knows that this is hard for us.  This is why we have the Holy Spirit, who is our source of wisdom, truth, and strength.  When I am in a situation and I don’t know what to do, am I asking God for help? Am I inviting the Holy Spirit to direct me? There will always be obstacles to living a Kingdom focused life. With the Spirit’s help, may we become swift hurdlers of the obstacles of this life, even when that obstacle is staring at us in the mirror.

There is a beautiful simplicity in faith in Jesus. It’s a simplicity that is far from easy. It requires constant surrender. It takes constant reminders that this life is not about me. Simply put, we are to “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What is your biggest reason for not living a more Kingdom-focused life?

How have you been an obstacle in your own spiritual journey?

What can you do today to lay down your life, or give up your preferences, for the sake of the Kingdom? If in doubt, ask the Holy Spirit to show you.

How can you live as though you fully believe the following: “Sin has been forgiven. Death has been conquered. Satan has been thrown down. The Holy Spirit has been poured out. The Kingdom of God is advancing. Jesus has ensured victory, promised eternal life, imparted His peace and issued the call and commission. Can we be anything but fearless?”

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