
The New You

Do you feel like a new creation?

Verse of the Day

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:17

Today’s Devotional

Do you ever need to stop what you are doing and remind yourself to take a deep breath?

Personally, I need to breathe in Jesus. And the truth of this verse.  I believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ, therefore I am a new creation. Today. And everyday that I accept the gift of Jesus.

Let me confess to you what has been getting in the way of accepting this gift of daily newness:

The noise.

There is so much noise in this world.  Most of which comes from within my own head.  My thought life has been a mess lately.  I have allowed the noise to distract me from the truth of God’s Word. I have allowed myself to believe the lies of the noise.

Choice is a powerful thing. Each of us has a choice every single day to believe God’s truth, or to believe the lies of the noise.  We also have the choice to ignore the lies that we are hearing.  But let me issue a warning: Not taking the time to address the lies and combat them with Truth has the same outcome as choosing to believe the lies.

Let’s collectively take the time to get quiet.  Let’s look at where we are stuck and be honest with ourselves about it.  What lies are we believing?  What lies are we ignoring? What if we blocked off some time on our calendar today to get quiet with God and allow Him to reveal what is standing in the way of our newness in Jesus.

Let’s allow His truth to sink into our soul.  I want the newness that God offers way more than I want anything this world has to offer.

I truly want to hear God, but in order to do that, I have to quiet the noise.  There’s a song I’d like to share with you, and I will put a link to the lyric video below.  But first, let me share a few of the lyrics.

Here we go again, my mind racing

And I can’t seem to win

All these crazy thoughts and feelings

It’s like it never ends

Until Your voice breaks through my noise

And I know I’m not alone

I don’t need to know what comes next

Tomorrow’s in Your hands

I can trust you with my future

‘Cause You’re already there

We are starting this day as new creations in Jesus.  That is truth.  My challenge is to get quiet and hear the love that God wants to pour into my soul.  I need to be quiet to hear the words of love that God offers me.  I need to be quiet to hear His guidance.  I need to be quiet to be made new.

Let’s start this day (and every day) sitting at the feet of Jesus and accepting the newness that He offers each of us.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Do you believe the newness that Jesus offers you today?

What noise and lies have you been believing?

What are you ignoring?

How comfortable are you with silence before God?

What truth is God pouring into your heart today?

Link to “Quiet” by Elevation

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