The Kingdom of God
What is the Kingdom of God?
Verse of the Day
‘Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.’
Today’s Devotional
If I asked you the question, “What is the Kingdom of God and how do I seek it?”, how would you answer? If our quest for obedience to the teachings of Jesus is rooted in honoring this command from Jesus, it seems like a good thing to explore. Right?
I have looked up the verses that refer to the Kingdom of God, and they all point to one conclusion. (And this conclusion comes from a sermon that I heard earlier this year.) “The Kingdom of God is simply the rule and reign of God. It is both a physical and spiritual reality. It is where things (and people) are in submission and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. It is where things are in agreement and alignment with God’s heart. Wherever God’s will is done, that’s where the Kingdom has come. The Kingdom starts in the Father’s heart, and extends to wherever His will is done.”
So if the Kingdom of God is simply the rule and reign of God, how do I seek it? I seek this Kingdom by seeking to KNOW and DO whatever God’s will is. This is why the “and live righteously” phrase is included in today’s verse. I can know the will of God and not obey it. Just like I can know what the speed limit is and still not abide by it.
It sounds simple, but it’s not always easy.
For today, it’s enough for us to know and acknowledge that God does, in fact, have a Kingdom. It’s where He is King. Where He has authority. If we decide that we want to be part of His Kingdom, then we simply start by seeking His will. And then we do those things that are His will. According to today’s verse, as we seek and obey His will, God then takes care of our needs. Which, if we are honest, the reason we are often not seeking His will is because we are trying to meet our needs (or wants) on our own.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How would you describe the Kingdom of God to someone who had never heard of it?
Where can you clearly see the rule and reign of God being evident?
What parts of your life are not under the authority of God?
How can you align yourself today with God’s Kingdom? What is His will? What do you need to do to obey?