
The Fear of the Lord

What does the fear of the Lord mean to you?

Verse of the Day

‘The fear of the Lord leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble. ‘

Proverbs 19:23

Today’s Devotional

If there is something that leads to life, I want to know about it.  This verse tells me that it is the “fear of the Lord.”  I need to be honest and say that this phrase has always baffled me.  If God’s perfect love drives out fear, then how do I have fear of the Lord?

The commentaries say that fear of the Lord means honoring God, having a reverent awe of Him and being submitted to Him.

I can rest content if I will honor God.  I can choose to praise Him for everything, acknowledging that He created the world in which I breathe and live.  I can honor God by making my relationship with Him a priority in my life.  I can honor God by how I treat others, and by how I treat myself.  It makes me think of a mother bear and how fiercely she protects her cubs.  Do I have that same kind of respect for how I treat other humans?  I can honor God by worshiping with a glad and sincere heart.  I remember the Sunday after hurricane Harvey hit Houston and our home flooded.  I sat in church and cried the entire time.  I knew, in the middle of having just thrown away most of my soggy possessions, that God was still God and worthy of my worship.  It was not a lovely sight to behold.  And I was not happy. But my worship was sincere.

I can rest content if I am in awe of God.  This makes me think of creation.  The created world is truly amazing.  I can’t watch a sunset or look at the ocean without being in awe of God.  The first time we ever went scuba diving, I remember feeling the most overwhelming sense of awe at God’s power to create such amazingly beautiful things that most people never get to see.  There is also an awe that I have the capacity to feel when I am willing to notice how God has moved in my life.  Thinking about how God has delivered me leaves me with a feeling of awe.  It is truly a display of God’s power.  My husband made a list the other day of the big dilemmas we have had over the last few years and how God provided.  Looking at that list, and knowing that there are different dilemmas today, it made me take a deep breath and know that everything was going to be OK.

I can rest content if I am continually submitting my life to God’s control.  I have to do this daily.  And I know pretty quickly in the day if I have forgotten.  Things just don’t go well.  I am in a constant state of feeling disturbed. (Sometimes things still don’t go well if I forget that God is in control.)  This reminds me of the song “Jesus Take the Wheel”.  Sometimes, I don’t even ask for God to take the wheel.  Sometimes, I am like the mom in the passenger seat with her 15 year old who is learning how to drive, constantly giving corrections and feeling terrified.  Occasionally, though, I’m in the backseat doing my own thing and letting God drive my life without any interference.  Those are the days when I am content.

Lastly, notice that the verse does not say that trouble will not happen.  It says that we will be untouched by the trouble that occurs.  Wouldn’t that be nice if we could get to a place where the world’s burdens don’t affect us because we love, trust and fear God that much?  I want to be able to rest content with God.  Therefore, I need to be intentional about honoring God, being in awe of God, and submitting my life to Him daily.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What does fear of the Lord mean to you? 

How can you honor God today? 

What things bring you to a place of reverent awe of God? 

How can you submit to God, letting Him fully take the wheel today? 

Do these things affect your level of contentment?

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