The Faults of Others
What do we do when other people irritate us?
Verse of the Day
“Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.”
Today’s Devotional
This is a timely verse for our lives. It seems that taking offense is a current pastime in our world. It also seems like we seldom allow other people to have faults without the need to pass judgement. It’s like God knows us or something.
Here’s what I’ve noticed about myself. The more grounded I am with God, the less people irritate me. That also includes being irritated with myself. I started the day in a less-than-stellar mood. This lasted until about lunch time. Right before lunch, I went outside and watched the palm trees blowing in the wind. It reminded me of God. I cannot see God, but I can see the evidence of God working. But some days, there doesn’t feel like there’s much “wind”, and that’s the way I felt this morning. So I sat outside and prayed. I asked for God to show himself to me and help me to choose His joy over my own irritation. Weirdly enough, it worked. (Why am I surprised when God answers a genuine prayer?)
I read something online yesterday that says that a secure person is difficult to offend. But even the most secure person in the world has limits, which our current situation has surely tested. We are called to forgive others for their faults. And I would say we need to take it a step further and accept others for their idiosyncrasies that drive us crazy sometimes. We must choose to be peacemakers. Which probably includes overlooking things that are irritating.
This verse reminds me of a sermon from a few weeks ago about being “prickly” with the members of our home. Am I promoting peace and joy by my actions and words, or am I being picky, quarrelsome and irritable? We actually have a choice.
So here are my thoughts on how to accomplish this:
- When you find yourself having an irritable day, maybe recognize that it might be you and not others. Go somewhere, anywhere, to be alone for a few minutes to pray. Ask God to help you to not be a jerk.
- Find something that you are grateful for about every person that is irritating you.
- Recognize that others might be struggling. Ask them how you could help.
- Reach out to someone other than the people with whom you regularly interact. Make the whole conversation about that person, not about yourself.
- Focus on 5 positive things that have happened that day. Maybe write them down.
- Take a minute to remember how much God has forgiven you for. You have done things that have really grieved God, but yet he still chose to offer you salvation.
Perspective is everything. I’ve noticed that I need to be just as willing to extend grace to myself during this time. Sometimes I just need to be alone. But the great thing about God is that when I choose to be alone with him, everything gets better. Just like the verse from a couple of days ago, God helps me when I pour out my burdens to him and ask for help.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How have you noticed yourself being easily offended lately?
How can you make allowances for the faults of others today?
Which of the 6 suggestions might you need to try today?
How can God’s forgiveness help you to forgive others today?
How easy is it for you to accept that YOU might be one who needs to change?
How can you embrace God’s forgiveness today?