The Creator
What does God’s creative power tell you?
Verse of the Day
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Today’s Devotional
Have you ever questioned how this world came to exist? Have you ever wondered how it all began? I must admit that, having been raised in church, I do not tend to question how the world began. “God created” it all. However, I can see how difficult that statement would be for some people to believe.
If the Genesis account of the beginning of our world is to be believed, what does that mean? As a follower of Jesus, I long to believe every word in the Bible without a shred of doubt or hesitancy. That is not yet where I am. And then I read this on Enduring Word:
“If you believe Genesis 1:1, you really have no problem believing the rest of the Bible. The God big enough to have created the heavens and the earth is big enough to do all the rest the Bible says that He did and does.”
If I believe that God created everything that exists, then why do I question that He is with me right now as I write? He tells me over and over in His Word that He is with me. Somewhere along the way I have picked up (and believed) some untrue information.
If I don’t believe that God is the creator of all, where does that leave me? “If everything around us, including ourselves, is the result of random, meaningless occurrences apart from the work of a creating God, then it says something about who I am, and where I, and the whole universe, are going. If that is the case then the only dignity or honor we bestow upon men is pure sentimentality, because we don’t have any more significance than an amoeba and there is no greater law in the universe than survival of the fittest.” (Enduring Word)
I have evidence in my life of God. So if this same God is the creator of everything that exists, what does that tell me about Him? For me, the created world and all its beings point to a Creator of infinite possibilities and variations. The created world tells me that God is in both the massive and the microscopic. It tells me that He has a sense of humor. When I see a sunset that He created, it tells me that He wants me to experience delight, even though He knows it will be fleeting.
The next thing is notice is HOW God created. Each time God created something, He spoke it into existence. “God said”, and then it was. Can you even fathom how amazing that is? God’s word has creation power. Why, then, do I ever struggle to read His written Word?
Since you and I are created in God’s image, this leads me to believe that we were made to create as well. And this is not limited to procreation. God made us to create ideas. And art. And relationships. And cities. And cultures. And businesses. And music. And books. We are made to create. Being creative is part of our DNA, whether we are currently using our creativity or not.
For today, my response to God’s creation power is confession and awe. I confess that I forget how amazing God’s abilities are, and that God has given me every reason not to doubt, and yet still I doubt at times. I am in awe of God’s power and creativity. His created world is breathtaking, if only I would consistently take the time to enjoy it. I am also in awe that He made me to create as well. I only ask for His help to use my creative gift well, for His glory, and in the service of others.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
What does God’s creation power tell you about Him?
Do you believe that God created the world yet still doubt other things He told us through His Word? What is your response to that?
What creative ability has God given you? How are you using that gift?
(If you don’t believe you are creative, think again! It does not have to be art or music or anything we normally label as “creative arts”. Take some time to ask God to show you what, specifically, He wants you to create.)