
Taking Refuge in God

Who do you go to when you need protection?

Verse of the Day

‘It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans.’

Psalms 118:8

Today’s Devotional

(This is a repeat post from August 2020.)

This verse sounds so simple.  But it’s really hard to do.  When something big happens in your life, who do you talk to first?  Is it God?  It’s not for me.  I need to call my husband and probably a friend and then maybe I’ll remember to pray about what’s going on.

What does it mean to take refuge?  “Refuge” is defined as “shelter or protection from danger or distress.”  But when I look at the stories of the Bible, many of the people did not seem to be actively seeking shelter.  Daniel knew his actions would lead him to the lions’ den.  Shadrach, Meshach and Adebnego knew that their choices could get them thrown into the fire.  Esther knew she could be killed for approaching the king.  Moses knew that Pharaoh could have killed him.  Jesus knew the cross was coming.  And in all of those stories there is an overwhelming presence of trust.  Trust in God’s plan.  Trust in God’s provision.  Trust in God’s timing.

Were these heroes of faith refusing to seek refuge in God? Not at all. Their seeking God for protection did not prevent them from doing hard things. In fact, because they were privately looking to God as their refuge, their public actions looked incredibly courageous.

The more I read and study about trust, the more I realize that active trust equals obedience even when it is scary.  For my daily life, trust is coming to mean praising God even when I’m frustrated or overwhelmed.  Maybe acknowledging and praising God in the middle of the storm of life is what this verse means by taking refuge in the Lord.

God must become my source of protection.  No matter how wonderful my husband, my family, my friends…those people cannot hold a candle to the God of Creation as my source of refuge for my soul. The more I seek God as my refuge, the more I will trust him. Because He never fails, He never leaves me, He never forsakes me. As I practice trusting Him, I realize that God’s protection works best when I am at my weakest.  And when I am obedient.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

In what earthly things or people do you tend to take refuge? 

Where do you need God’s protection today?

How can you ask God today to be your protection from danger or distress?

How has God protected you in the past? How can that build your trust today?

How can you be obedient to God today?

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