
Strength from Contentment

How content are you in your life right now?

Verse of the Day

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13

Today’s Devotional

This often quoted verse is not a magic spell that we wish were true.  Paul wrote this verse as he was saying that he had learned to be content in any situation.  In plenty or in want, Paul had learned that he could thrive on either end of the spectrum of provision (or anywhere in between) because his strength came from Jesus.

Perhaps there is strength from learning to be content.  

Think of a troubling situation in your life right now. Now, take a deep breath and declare to yourself that you are content and held by the strong arms of God exactly where you are.  If nothing ever changes in this situation, we each have the power to choose contentment in the middle of whatever mess we find ourselves in.

Because God is sovereign in the middle of the mess.  God is sovereign in plenty.  God is sovereign in our lack.  God is in control of our dysfunctional relationships.  God is in charge of a chaotic world, no matter who is in any position of authority.

The ability to be content in any situation boils down to whether or not I trust God and His goodness.  Do I really believe that God is in control of everything?

Take another deep breath.  

With each of the next few breaths you take, say these things over your mind and heart:

God is good.

God loves me exactly as I am.

God is sovereign.

God’s will WILL happen.

God is holding me.

I can be content in God’s power today.

I have personally experienced the peace, contentment and POWER of choosing to relinquish control.  (Thinking I had any control was a lie to begin with.) But I have to choose every single day to relinquish my “control”.  And some days are better than others.  Every day is an opportunity to allow God to be God and for me to step out of the way.

So here’s the truth we are left with:

Because of Jesus you have the strength to face your day. Whatever it looks like.

Because of Jesus you stand righteous before the God of heaven.

Because of Jesus your day can be full of love and joy, no matter what actually happens.

Because of Jesus your eternity is secure.

Because of Jesus you can love God and others well today.

Because of Jesus you can choose contentment, exactly where you are right now.

Does anything else really matter?

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Where is there discontent in your life right now?

How can you breathe in the contentment available to you in Jesus today?

How can you relinquish control today?

Where do you need the strength of Jesus today?

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