
Spiritual Lessons From Chick-Fil-A

What is the purpose of God’s provision and blessings?

Verse of the Day

‘And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. ‘ (NIV)

2 Corinthians 9:8

Today’s Devotional

Sometimes I find it helpful to read a few different translations of the same verse:

‘And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. ‘ (NLT)

‘God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done.’ (MSG)

God’s abundance and blessings are not just so that we will feel all the happy feels and love Him more.  We are blessed in order to give to others.  We are blessed to do good works.  We are blessed in order to be MORE than ready to do what needs to be done.

I went through the drive-through line at Chick-Fil-A this morning.  Even at 7:15, it was busy.  The girl manning the window was ready for me when I drove up.  To her right was a line of drinks and food sacks, waiting to be handed out to the people in line behind me.  There were 2 other girls behind her making all manner of drinks.  (Did you know they blend cold coffee with their ice cream and call it a Frosted Coffee?  Who knew?)  Someone else kept bringing the bags of food to the girl at the window.  All she had to do was verify that she was handing me what I ordered and take my payment.  The food and drinks just kept being brought to her to hand out to customers.  Can you imagine how she would feel if she had to take the orders, make and fill the orders, bag up the orders, verify, hand out and take payment for each customer all by herself?  She would be exhausted and overwhelmed.

I wonder how many of us forget all the work that God does for us behind the scenes.  I think I forget that everything I have to “hand out” to others doesn’t come from me.  Maybe in my quest to rest in contentment, I need to realize that my role in this world is not to handle everything.  Maybe I just need to do my one job well and for the glory of God.  And then when I am done with that job for the day, I do just my part in the next role I am in for that day.  When I’m at work, I can do that job well, with joy, and with an attitude of service.  When I am at home, I can care for my home and family well, with joy, with an attitude of service.  When I am with others, I can find joy in their presence and make our conversations about them and how I can love and encourage them better.

Today I woke up feeling incredibly tired.  Like someone had drugged me and I needed many more hours to sleep it off.  But sleeping more was not how I could play my part in the Kingdom today.  So I prayed for God’s strength and energy and just put one foot in front of the other.   As I prayed, I knew that God would provide what I needed for today.  And He is doing just that.  I think that process is how I learn contentment.  I have a need, I bring it to God and keep putting one foot in front of the other.  And He provides.  Which makes me stop and realize just how good and kind He really is.  He cares about all of it, even just some lethargy.  And the more I practice resting in His provision, the more content I feel.  I’m just here to hand out what He provides.  Maybe it really is that simple.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Write about a time when you had a need, brought it to God and He provided. 

In what areas do you need God’s abundant blessings and provision today? 

How can you use what He provides to fill yourself up and then serve others? 

How can you simplify in your mind what you need to do today?

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