
Spirit of Power

 Do you consider yourself timid?

Verse of the Day

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7

Today’s Devotional

Do you ever feel timid, or nervous or unsure?  How about fearful?  Several other Bible translations use the word “fearful” instead of “timid”.  I feel like I can wrap my brain around being fearful more than being timid.  Maybe because I am not naturally a timid person.  But I know people who are.

Now…what about worry?  Isn’t worry a form of fear?  And we could then also include anxiety, which is a form of fear.  Do you ever worry or have anxiety?

I do.

My interpretation of this Scripture is that when I am giving in to fear, worry or anxiety, I am listening to (and maybe believing) lies from the devil.  This verse literally says that the Spirit gives us power, love, and discipline.  So if I were believing the Holy Spirit and His leading, I would be powerful, loving and disciplined. Do we believe the truth of this verse? If we do, I think it’s time to let it sink into our heart and then drive our actions and mind.

Here’s what I believe:  There are times when I have unprompted thoughts of fear.  “What if this happens?  What if that doesn’t happen?”  At that point, I have a choice to redirect my thoughts and tell myself, “Yes, that may or may not happen…but whatever does happen, I trust God.”  I also have the choice to say, “Oh no.  What if?  What will I do?  What if I can’t handle it?”  And even if I give in to worry for a moment…or a year…I can make a choice to redirect my thoughts and actions based on God’s truth.  And God’s truth is that the Spirit I’ve been given is powerful and strong.

Sometimes we have to behave our ways into right thinking.  So if I behave as though I am powerful, loving and self disciplined, then the thoughts and feelings will follow. My actions can drive my thoughts and feelings to align with truth.  The opposite is also true, that my actions can drive my thoughts and feelings to align with lies.  This verse is very clear.  We have been given the gift of the Spirit who gives us power, love, and self-discipline.  Do we believe that?  And do we behave accordingly?

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Today, confess your fears to God.  Ask Him to help you to remember to redirect your thoughts. 

In one area that you are fearful (or have worry), how can you behave today in a way that is powerful and/or loving and/or disciplined? 

Read the verse as you pray and ask God to help you make the truth of this verse to sink into your heart.   That you be reminded all day of this truth.


Tom Chandler
January 21, 2021 at 8:06 am

Easier to say than to do, but I have heard and appreciate: “If it’s not worth praying about, it’s not worth worrying about.”

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