Holy Habits / Simplicity

Simple Rules

What rules do you live by?

Verse of the Day

‘You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world. So why do you keep on following the rules of the world, such as, “Don’t handle! Don’t taste! Don’t touch!”? Such rules are mere human teachings about things that deteriorate as we use them. These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, pious self-denial, and severe bodily discipline. But they provide no help in conquering a person’s evil desires.’

Colossians 2:20-23

Today’s Devotional

This is the same section of Scripture that we looked at two days ago. I often find that I need more than one pass over a section of the Bible. In fact, if you remember what Foster said last month about the discipline of study, then you know that there can be value in reading the same passage every day for a period of time, thus allowing the Spirit to give you fresh revelation. It’s also true that humans must hear things many times before we will truly believe and accept them.

That last sentence: [these rules] “provide no help in conquering a person’s evil desires” –  that is powerful for me.  It leads me to believe that God knows that I have evil desires, and that I do need help to conquer them.  However, there are things that people may suggest (or demand) that really don’t work in conquering my evil desires.  I’m going to brainstorm what some of those man-made rules might be:

-You must attend corporate worship every Sunday.

-You must not associate with people in an actively sinful lifestyle.

-You must abstain from all alcohol consumption.

-You must be a member of a certain denomination.

-You may treat others harshly if they disagree with you.

-You must die with a repentance on your lips to go to heaven.

Let’s just talk about rules. I think that people fall loosely into a few categories.  (1) You are a rule follower and feel a need to make sure everyone follows those rules. (2) You are rebellious and will not follow a rule even if it is in your best interests.  (3) You are completely indifferent to the rules.  You couldn’t care less if you and others are or are not following the rules.

In my home, according to my husband, there are rules and there are guidelines.  Rules have consequences if they are not followed, guidelines do not.  The people in the Colossians church were being told by other believers that there was a long list of rules that must be followed in order to be in right standing with God.  That’s not what they had been first taught when they heard the Gospel of Jesus.  So it’s no wonder that they were confused.

Here are the rules I apply in my life:  God first.  Love him.  Love others.  That’s it. According to our study of the discipline of simplicity, Foster would suggest that our only rule is to seek God’s Kingdom above all else.

But those simple rules can be hard to follow because I can get in my own way sometimes.  The only way I know that helps in overcoming my own evil desires is to spend time with God.  For me that is time in the Word, prayer, journaling, being grateful, worshipping, and talking about my struggles with another believer.  The more I do those things, the more I fall in love with God.  The more I fall in love with God, the easier it is to love others.

Speaking of the influence that others may have over us, like what was happening in the Colossians church… I read something yesterday that really spoke to me. “Finding yourself is not really how it works.  You aren’t a ten dollar bill in last winter’s coat pocket.  You are also not lost.  Your true self is right there, buried under cultural conditioning, other people’s opinions, and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid that became your beliefs about who you are.  Finding yourself is actually returning to yourself.  An unlearning, an excavation, a remembering of who you were before the world got its hands on you.  It is a discovery of who God created you to be in the first place.”

We must be aware of the influence others have over us.  If they are not pointing us toward how to love God and others better, then they should have no influence in our lives.  And the only thing that can help us to overcome our evil desires is Jesus – spending time sitting at His feet, asking for His strength, seeking His Kingdom.  Any other tactic is a waste of time.  I believe God knew that we needed our rules to be simple. I believe He also knew that we would overcomplicate everything. It’s a good thing that Jesus has set us free from the rules of this world. And from being ruled by our own sinful desires.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How have you been influenced by man-made rules?

How have you tried to impose your rules on others?  

How do you feel about rules? 

Who do you need to stop listening to?  

How can you take any evil desires to Jesus for His help and strength today?

Make a new “Rule/Guideline” list for your day today that aligns with Scripture.

How does seeking the Kingdom first help you to simplify your life?

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