
Searching for God

Are you good at looking for things?

Verse of the Day

‘Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him.’

1 Chronicles 16:11

Today’s Devotional

Some people are better “finders” than other people.  My guess is that being a good searcher might come with age.  When I was young I lost things all the time.  My mom would tell me to go look for the lost item. When I would look, I legitimately could not find it.  Then my mom would walk into the room and spot it right away, usually sitting out in plain view.  As I have aged, I have gotten better at looking for things.  My daughter, on the other hand, is still not great at finding things.  We have a silly saying in our family for this exact issue:  “If it was a snake, it would have bit you.”

Today’s verse tells me that I need to be looking for God and for His strength.  Continually looking.  So how does that work? How do I become a good “finder” when it comes to God?

When you are trying to leave your house and you don’t have your car keys, do you look for them?  Yes, of course.  Why?  Because you need to leave.  In order to leave, you need your car.  In order to use your car, you need the keys.  

The first step in looking for God is realizing that He needs to be sought.  You don’t look for your keys until you realize that you need them and you don’t currently have them in your possession. Maybe one of the goals of being a person of active faith is the continual awareness that I am not god and thus the need to be looking for Him.  Always.

This is not a divine game of hide-and-seek.  God is not toying with us.  God’s desire is for our hearts to be focused on Him.  We cannot do that if we don’t take the time every single day to remind ourselves that we are not the center of the universe.  When we have a proper awareness that we are not the center, we will look for Who is.  And in doing that, we are obeying today’s verse: Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him. True strength comes from the Source.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Are you good at seeking God? How could you improve?

How often do you find yourself going about your life without seeking God?

How can you remind yourself of your need to seek God?

How do you need God’s strength in your life today?

What does seeking God mean to you?

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