Satisfying Every Need
Does God need you? Do you realize how much you need God?
Verse of the Day
He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since he is Lord of heaven and earth, he doesn’t live in man-made temples, and human hands can’t serve his needs—for he has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need.
Today’s Devotional
Paul is preaching in Athens, in a place where there are idols and shrines everywhere. One of these idols is for “The Unknown God.” Paul explains to them that this unknown God is THE GOD. The only God. The Creator God. These people liked to be in the know on all the latest theological ideas, so they were willing to hear him out.
It’s interesting to me that having heard the Good News, many people ridiculed Paul, while a few joined him and became believers. We never know what the outcome will be when we share the Good News of Jesus. Neither did Paul, but he was always ready and willing to share, even in a place that was full of idolatry and worldly thinking.
I love the message of this verse that reminds me that God does not need me. Sometimes I forget that. I mistakenly think that God needs me to be doing the work I do. I forget that I am replaceable. I sometimes think that I must provide words of wisdom on God’s behalf. But God does not need me to accomplish his will. I think he is delighted to use me when I am humble and willing, as a servant. But I am not on the leadership team.
What is the difference between a need and a desire? Have you ever thought about God’s needs and desires? I forget that God has no needs. He doesn’t need my money or my service or my devotion. Without me or anyone else on earth, God is still God and always will be. However, I think God desires my generosity because it postures my heart to remember that everything I have is a gift. I think God desires my service because it leads to a life that is focused on others, which is ultimately best for me. I think God desires my devotion because he knows that being devoted to him with my whole heart will fill the God-shaped hole in my soul in the only way possible to actually make me complete.
While God may not need me, I certainly need him. I forget that every breath I take is a gift from him. My life is only possible because God ordained it. Anything I lack, I can only get from God. Sometimes we forget that and try to fulfill our needs with things from this world. It always leaves us wanting more. It’s the equivalent of being thirsty and pouring sand in our mouth. This world cannot fulfill us. Only God can. Today’s verse reminds us that God satisfies every need. Even the needs we mistakenly try to fill with the stuff of earth. But God is good and he is gentle. Today, may we be people who bring all of our needs to God to fulfill.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How have you thought that God needed you in the past?
How can you thank God for your life and breath today?
What needs do you have? Bring those to him and ask for discernment in how to fulfill your needs in Him.