

Do you consider yourself to be a good representative of Jesus?

Verse of the Day

“And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.”

Colossians 3:17

‘Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!’ Deuteronomy 30:19

Today’s Devotional

When their kids still lived at home, my brother and his wife used to tell their kids something as they left the house.  


They were reminding their kids to be a good representative of God and their family and the way they have been raised as they were out in the world.

Stop right there.  Think about YOUR life.  Are you a good representative of Jesus?  Do people hear your words and see your actions and think of the Father God who made you and the Son who died to save you?

I heard recently about a woman who was fired from her job because she posted a video online while wearing a shirt with her company’s logo on it. The video wasn’t what I would call “bad”. In fact, it was pretty benign.  But she was fired nonetheless. We hear frequently about people who are fired from jobs, or never hired in the first place, because of things they have posted online. Why? Because their actions and words (and pictures) are not considered to be good representatives. 

This verse tells me that I am to “represent” Jesus to this world. One of the ways I can do that is with gratitude. I can think of many ways that I might be a good rep for Jesus, but being grateful seems like an awfully easy way to bring God glory. It doesn’t seem like too much to ask. 

As a parent, when I hear from others that my child expressed gratitude to them, it makes me proud. I imagine God having a similar reaction when I choose to speak my thanks to Him and/or to His other kids. 

Don’t get me wrong. It takes effort to find things to be grateful for in certain situations. Yesterday, I had to force myself to sit in my car and speak aloud to God a list of things for which I was grateful. I had just gotten some really disappointing news, which led to a lot of uncertainty about some important decisions. I will admit… it took me a minute to come up with much of a gratitude list. But forcing myself to choose and find gratitude made my focus shift. This shift did not (and does not) negate the disappointment or uncertainty.  Choosing gratitude does not take away the difficulties of this world.  It does, however, put the difficulties into perspective.  Yes, there is disappointment, sadness, and uncertainty…. but God is still good, God is still on the throne, God will never leave us alone to handle the difficulties by ourselves, and God is in control.

Do you see the polarity of these two positions: choosing gratitude versus being in the midst of trials? Sometimes, we tend to think it’s one way or the other and never the twain shall meet.  We are either joyful and grateful, or we are in the midst of a struggle.  The Bible teaches that we can have both at the same time.  Why else would we be encouraged to choose gratitude in ALL circumstances? (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Today’s Gratitude Challenge 1: Look at the second verse above. This is a verse that shows God giving the people of Israel a choice. Have you ever stopped and thought about how much freedom of choice you have. Which church to attend. Which restaurant to pick. Which clothing you’ll wear. How are you grateful for the freedom of choice that you have?

Today’s Gratitude Challenge 2: Are you grateful for the transportation that you have available to you? This morning I will get in my car and drive a few minutes to church. This would take ten times the amount of time if I had to walk. Are you grateful for transportation?

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Think of someone who is a good representative of Jesus.  How did they behave that made you take notice? 

How can you view your actions and words today through the lens of being Jesus’s representative in this world? 

How can you incorporate gratitude into your day today?

What are you grateful for about your ability to choose? For your transportation?

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