Teachings of Jesus

Prove It

If you look at it objectively, what proof does your life give you?

Verse of the Day

‘Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God.’

Matthew 3:8

Today’s Devotional

Earlier this year, I finished reading through the book of Matthew.  My church is doing a Bible reading plan where we will read through the New Testament this year. At the end of each book, we are invited to choose a key verse from that book and spend some time reflecting over that, inviting the Holy Spirit to teach us. The verse that stood out to me the most during this reading of Matthew is a verse I don’t remember reading before, even though I know I have read it (probably) many times before.

‘Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God.’

This was spoken by John the Baptist. He was speaking pretty harshly to the Pharisees, reminding them that their status in the religious hierarchy meant nothing in regards to their heart posture towards God.  

John was teaching the importance of repentance and turning toward God.  Jesus said something very similar in Matthew 4:17. ‘From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”’ If we tie those messages from both John and Jesus to day’s verse, we end up with a very uncomfortable measuring stick.  Does my life – my words and my actions- prove that I have repented and turned to God?

That’s a question each of us needs to be courageous enough to ask ourselves.  We could take it a step further and ask a few trusted friends, people who are also seeking God and who love us enough to speak the hard truth.

So what would it look like if we were truly repentant? What does it look like when we are not repentant?

Am I quick to apologize when I don’t handle something well?

Am I reading the Bible and looking for ways to be obedient?

Am I actively grateful for the forgiveness I receive each day because of Jesus?

Am I writing down the spiritual lessons I am learning?

Am I praying and asking for God’s help to be obedient each day?

Am I teachable, or am I closed-minded and defensive?

Am I spending any time each day praising God?

Am I learning from my mistakes?

Am I trusting God more than I am worrying?

Prove by the way that you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God. This is a really powerful thing to say. What does your life prove?

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

If you took the time to think about it, what does your life prove?

What does true repentance look like for you?

What would it look like if your life proved your repentance and your dependence on God?

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