
Nothing Can Separate You

Do you feel God’s love for you?

Verse of the Day

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:38-39

Today’s Devotional

Do you have Jesus?  If so, then you are fully enveloped in the love of God.  But…does it always feel that way?

My honest answer would be no.  Sometimes I feel forgotten.  Sometimes I pray for God to be more deliberate with whatever lesson I need to be learning through a difficult situation, so that the difficulty will pass.  Sometimes I just don’t FEEL the love of God.

Imagine a fish in the ocean.  And now imagine that fish being able to have a conversation.  (Work with me here.)  So we ask the fish, “What does it feel like to live in the vast expanse of the ocean?”  The fish responds, “What is the ocean?”

At this point I’m thinking the fish must be stupid.  How can it not know what the ocean is?  That’s where it lives!  That’s how it breathes.  That’s where its family lives.  That’s where its food comes from.  

But….don’t we do the same thing?

I may not feel the love of God, but it’s where I live.  It’s how I breathe.  It’s where my family lives and where every good thing in my life comes from.  So whether I feel it every moment or not, that does not change the fact my existence depends upon and exists within the love of God.  Saying I don’t feel the love and/or presence of God is like a fish saying it cannot feel the ocean.

Let me paraphrase today’s verse:  NOTHING can separate you from God’s love for you.  It’s simply not possible for you to exist outside of God’s love. Just like the fish cannot exist outside of the ocean. It doesn’t matter if we FEEL God’s love or not.  Because truth is truth no matter how I feel.  And the truth is that each one of us is surrounded, enveloped, engulfed in the love of God. All day every day.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What does God’s love feel like to you? 

Do you KNOW that you are loved by God, whether you feel it every moment or not?

How hard is it for you to believe the truth of God’s love for you?

Pour out your gratitude to God for His love for you.

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