Holy Habits / Simplicity

Never Ceasing

What do you never run out of?

Verse of the Day

“The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”

Lamentations 3:22-23

Today’s Devotional

As we seek to loosen our grip on the material things of this world, it’s important to remember the economic laws of the Kingdom.  While in human economy there is a limited supply of most commodities, God is bound by no such limitations.  His mercies never cease.  His love is faithful and endures forever.  Think about that: there is no limit or end to the love God has for you.  Every single day that your eyes open, you awaken to new mercy from the hand of God.  With that kind of provision, it makes me wonder why anything of this world is more important than it should be.

Let’s look at what we covered about the discipline of simplicity this past week:

  • Rules provide no help in conquering a person’s evil desires.
  • The only “rule” we should measure ourselves against is: “Are we seeking God’s Kingdom above all else?” What is the evidence that we are or are not seeking Him first?
  • If others are not pointing us toward how to love God and others better, then they should have no influence in our lives.
  • With all spiritual disciplines, we must seek to be obedient without veering into legalism.
  • Our outward expressions of simplicity are open to corruption because they are visible to others.
  • We looked at a list of potential outward expressions of simplicity.  Which one do you remember from several days ago? That may be the one the Holy Spirit is guiding you to practice.  If you need a refresher, click here.
  • What activities or commitments do you need to say “no” to, or fast from, or let go?  What if our “no” is something that is in our best interests or is better for our family?
  • Is it freeing to realize that God doesn’t NEED you to advance His Kingdom? He is likely inviting us to participate, but He doesn’t NEED us.  God gives life and breath to every thing, and He satisfies every need.
  • God can use what very little I have today as the beginning of a miracle… when I offer myself to Him and walk in obedience.
  • True satisfaction comes from God alone.
  • Remembering what God has rescued us from is a great way to increase our ability to trust Him today.

God’s love for you never ends.  He never runs out of mercy.  He is faithful.  Today is a great day to trust Him. You have never – and will never – run out of the love God has for you.

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