My Life and Message
How should we analyze ourselves and each other?
Verse of the Day
‘If I wanted to boast, I would be no fool in doing so, because I would be telling the truth. But I won’t do it, because I don’t want anyone to give me credit beyond what they can see in my life or hear in my message’
Today’s Devotional
What do people see in your life? What would people say that your message is?
I watched an episode of a show last night where there was a conversation between Billy Graham and Queen Elizabeth. In this conversation, Queen Elizabeth compliments Mr. Graham about his message. His response was something to the effect of, “That’s not me, that is simply the scriptures of God.”
Billy Graham could have boasted about his “numbers”: the attendance at his events, the number of people who accepted Christ for the first time, the number of people who felt convicted to make a change in the way they dealt with their personal relationship with Jesus, the number of countries he had visited, the other world leaders who had invited him for an audience. He did none of that. He simply wanted to give God the credit and to be known for being a deliverer of God’s message.
How do you want to be known?
In the last year, I have been attending a church in a new town after a relocation. And there is one element of the culture that I find very unusual. In the first few encounters with people I have met, almost no one asks the others what they do for a living. They ask how long someone has been at this church, or in the area. They ask which service someone normally attends. They ask what parts of the church body someone is involved in. They ask where someone is actively serving the church or the community. We are encouraged to be honest if we are struggling in any area of our spiritual journey so that others can come alongside and stand in the gap with us. I find this very refreshing. There seems to be no “ranking”. No one cares if you are rich or poor, no one cares about your title or worldly accomplishments. No one cares what kind of house you live in.
I have to be honest and tell you that at first I was a little offended. Why did no one ask me if I worked, or had a job, or what I did? Did they not care? Was it just assumed that I am a homemaker because I am a woman? I later learned that most people were only interested in the details that really matter, which are the actions of my faith. The other information was shared as we got to know people better.
The message I am receiving from today’s verse is that I need to analyze my own life only by the ways in which I am serving the Kingdom. How much am I investing in deepening my relationship with God? How willing am I to be a servant to you and others? How evident is my faith to others in simple everyday encounters? How do I react to differing opinions and ideas? Do people always leave an encounter with me feeling loved and uplifted?
Every person’s words and life have a message. Humility teaches me that my credentials don’t matter. In humility, I can use my words and my actions to give all glory to God.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How much are you investing in deepening your relationship with God?
How willing are you to be a servant to others?
How evident is your faith to others in simple everyday encounters?
How do you react to differing opinions and ideas?
Do people always leave an encounter with you feeling loved and uplifted?
What is your life’s message?