
Love is Our Legacy

What will you be remembered for?

Verse of the Day

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:13

Today’s Devotional

This verse comes at the end of the “Love” chapter. Paul is telling us that this world and everything in it will come to an end at some point. When that happens, these three things will remain. Faith, hope and love. 

Have you ever really thought about what is lasting? When I think about what’s lasting, I think of memories and photos, and if I’m honest I also think of wealth. 

But this verse is teaching me that the only things that really last are my faith, my hope, and my love. Does my faith impact others in a way that leads them to want to know Christ? Does my hope in God’s plan and power affect my life in ways that cause others to want that same hope? Does my love for people draw them in or do my actions and words push them away? Do my faith, hope, and love cause others to choose Jesus and thus get to live in eternity with Him?   Lasting impact is really the eternal impact that we have an opportunity to have on people.   

If the greatest of those three things is love, then it can only be God’s love. Because the description of perfect love in 1 Corinthians 13 can only be describing how God loves. It’s a description of His character. So at the end of it all, God’s love WILL prevail and will be the greatest legacy there ever could possibly be. 

We have an opportunity each day to affect our legacy.  And the Bible tells us how.  We need to be so filled with faith in God, hope in God, and God’s love for us that it spills out onto others.  That filling and spilling is our legacy.  And we can’t have one without the other.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How can you allow God to fill you with His love, faith, and hope today?

How can you display your faith, your hope, and your love in ways that might leave a better legacy than anything else could?

Who has God put in your path this week that could use some hope, love, or faith building?   

Who has shown you these things this week?   Have you thanked God for them and Him for that?

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