Letting Go
What do you unintentionally do to feel some peace and control in your life?
Verse of the Day
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
Today’s Devotional
If we were to rewrite this verse in today’s vernacular, it could be an anthem for the discipline of simplicity. “Some trust in cars, nice houses, and hefty bank balances, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Most likely David, the author of this psalm, had plenty of horses and chariots. But he knew that having these things was not the reason for his success, or lack thereof. He knew that the “stuff of earth” was not where his security was based. Instead he trusted God.
Trust is hard. For me, it’s hard because it releases any false sense of control that I thought I had. It forces me to face my lack of strength, power, and control. Choosing, in the morning, to declare to God that I trust Him with my day, releases me from the need to try to get everything right. Which sounds like a good thing. But when I am in auto-pilot mode, that’s exactly what I do. I make a list. I attempt to check everything off of that list. I get frustrated when the day takes an unexpected turn and my list gets shoved aside. I feel like subconsciously I am saying to myself each day, “If I can get all of these things done, then I will be ok.” What if God says I’m ok no matter what I accomplish?
Here is the challenge I am issuing myself. I am going to say these things to myself until I believe them.
- God, I trust you with money. Not “my” money, but the money You have given me to steward.
- God, I trust you with my time.
- God, I trust you with the home and possessions you’ve allowed me to have.
- God, I trust you with my kids.
- God, I trust you with the words I say and the tone I use.
- God, I trust that you made me exactly as you intended me to be.
- God, I trust you to help me to understand what I need to know for today.
- God, I trust you when I don’t understand.
- God, I trust you when I feel uncertain.
- God, I trust you when I feel insecure.
- God, I trust you to carry me through the pain and struggles of this world.
- God, I trust you enough to give up control.
- God, I trust you to help me make decisions.
I listened to a podcast this morning that was trying to get across the message that “you will be taken care of.” Which ultimately is a message of trust. Sometimes we unintentionally use things (money, possessions, people) to make us feel ok. No matter what I might be seeking in order to feel ok, do I trust God more than I need to feel ok? The beauty here is that we can declare our trust in God even if our emotions aren’t aligned with the declaration. We can let go of whatever we are clinging to and decide to cling to trusting God. “God, I’ve been trusting in (whatever) to make me feel ok, but today I put my trust in You. I trust you to be God, and I trust in your love for me, and I trust that you will help me today.” We can take Proverbs 3:5-6 and make it our own declaration: “God, I trust you with all of my heart. I will not depend on my own understanding. I seek your will in everything I will do today, and I trust you to show me which path to take.”
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
If you are being REALLY honest, what is the one thing you need to feel a sense of peace?
Do you trust God even if that never happens?
Which of the “challenge” statements resonates with you as the one you need to focus on?
Tell God that you trust Him in that area. Continue to tell God and yourself that you trust Him until it becomes true.
Write out your own declaration of trust in God today.
Great stuff. Thanks for that.