Learning the Whole Process
What lessons of discernment do you need to revisit and focus on?
Verse of the Day
‘Give discernment to me, your servant; then I will understand your laws.’
Today’s Devotional
It is a long, slow process to learn how to be a person of wisdom and Godly discernment. I am not there yet. But I continue to lean in to God so that I will learn to filter all of my decisions through His lens of truth.
Today’s verse reminds me that I am God’s servant. I love, work, and reside under the rule and reign of God – whether I realize that in each moment or not. I am also reminded, yet again, that Godly wisdom and discernment are for understanding God’s way of doing things and not for my own purposes. Just for good measure, let’s review the things we have studied this month.
- God will reveal His thoughts to us.
- We need to focus on the end game, setting our mind on things above.
- God gives us power to love.
- God wants obedient actions.
- What truly matters is faith expressing itself through love.
- Silence may be required.
- We seek discernment to align ourselves with God, not the other way around.
- Am I running my decisions through the lens of Jesus being my Head of household?
- Encouragement combats the lies of sin.
- Resting is commanded. I cannot make good decisions when I am tired and weary.
- The Bible will reveal the thoughts and attitudes of my heart.
- Jesus empathises with this process of learning discernment.
- We may confidently approach God for help.
- Suffering and obedience are part of the learning process.
- Spiritual maturity matters. The more mature I am, the more others-focused I will be.
- We must choose diligence.
- We may have to wait for answers.
- Perseverance is required in obedience.
- I need to be looking for “breadcrumbs” of hope as I wait.
- I must consistently feed my faith.
- We are continually receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken.
- Speaking truth over myself can change my perspective.
- Discernment must be practiced.
- I need to be seeking knowledge and insight.
- I need to be honest about what I want from God.
- I need to turn away from the patterns of this world and allow God to change my thinking.
- When I need wisdom, I need to ask God. He is very generous.
- I need to be willing to choose God’s path.
- I need to look beneath the surface.
- Is it good? Is it open and available to me? Is it wise? Is it what I want?
If anything is clearer to me after this month of seeking discernment, it is that it will require time and effort to learn to filter all of my decisions through God’s perfect will. The beauty of this process is that God really does want to help us. He wants access to our hearts and minds to change our thinking. He cares about the details and decisions of our lives.
May we be servants of the Host High God. May we constantly seek His discernment in all of our decisions. May we constantly seek to learn His ways and be obedient in carrying out His will for our lives.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How can you declare your servanthood of God? How can your actions today show who you belong to?
Where and how do you need Godly discernment? Please keep asking.
Which items from the review list do you need to revisit and focus on?