Everyday Faith

Joy Comes From Gratitude

Do you long for joy in your life?

Verse of the Day

‘always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light. ‘

Colossians 1:12

Today’s Devotional

I’m going to back up into verse 11, because I like complete sentences.  “May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father.  He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light.”

Apparently, joy comes from gratitude.  Joy also comes from our perspective, knowing the inheritance that awaits us.  But what do we do when things don’t feel joyful, and this world seems full of troubles, and we don’t want to do the things that are in front of us today?

My first answer is, “I don’t know.”  But that’s not really true.  I know that the Bible tells me to FIND things to be grateful for.  Also, I have been reminded from no less than 4 different sources in the last few days that the answer to many of my struggles is worship.  When I decide to focus on how good and big and mighty and worthy God is, it makes my struggles seem….well…..not less, exactly.  But if God is really that good and big and mighty and worthy, then won’t He help me walk through any struggles I am facing?  And isn’t that something to be grateful for, that we don’t have to do anything alone?

The more I lean in to God, the more I am becoming aware that my focus is so easily diverted from God.  Maybe God needs me to become aware of that fact before I can change it.  I’m not sure.  Maybe God needs me to understand how much of a sheep I am before I can really grasp my constant need for a Shepherd.

One of the things that is important in my home is saying “thank you”.  We practiced this over and over when my daughter was little.  Then again as a teen when the habit began to drop.  Sometimes she still needs to be reminded, but normally she is pretty quick to say thank you.  But here’s what I’ve noticed since she’s been home from college….the times she says “thank you” for the little things mean the most to me.  It’s like I expect her to say thank you when I cook dinner, or when I let her use my credit card for Sonic.  But the most meaningful thanks are the ones I don’t expect or require, like for something that to me was really insignificant.  Maybe God is the same way, although I doubt that much is insignificant to God.  When I take the time to express gratitude for the birds, or the butterflies, or the gentle breeze, or a great meal, or a smile from a stranger…maybe God is thinking that it’s really great that we are learning to acknowledge Him in the little stuff.  Which if I’m guessing, it’s that kind of gratitude, which we can find anywhere, that produces joy.

There may not be much that each of us can do about the big problems facing our world.  There may not be much you can actually do to change some of the circumstances you are currently facing.  But as a person who is trying to live out faith every day, we can each make an active choice to find many things each day to be grateful for.  Maybe that’s what it means to “live in the light”.  Perhaps our gratitude is the light that this world needs to see. 

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Think over the last few days and list some really small things that you are grateful for.  

Ask God to help you see more of His small kindnesses today.  

How does your inheritance of salvation and grace change your perspective of your day? 

How can you be an ambassador for gratitude and joy today?

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