
Jesus Lives in You

Who do you live for?

Verse of the Day

‘My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.’

Galatians 2:20

Today’s Devotional

Have you ever had guests coming to your home and it made you look at your own house with a different perspective?  Will they be comfortable?  Will they have everything that they need?

I love to host people in my home, so it is very easy for me to ask those questions about whether or not someone would feel welcome and cared for in my home.  As I read today’s verse, I wonder if I treat Jesus the same way.  He lives in me, it’s part of who I am.  But do I go to any extra lengths to make Him feel welcome and to make sure He has everything He needs from me?

In order to accomplish that, I have to remember (over and over) the first phrase of this verse.  My old self died on the cross with Jesus.  My selfish tendencies and other character defects no longer have dominion in my life.  However, in my experience, those selfish tendencies don’t seem to realize that they are dead.  I heard in a sermon once that a snake, once it has been killed, still has venom and its body still slithers.  Just like my old self.  It’s dead, but it can still be dangerous.

The solution?  Living in this earthly body by trusting Jesus.  With everything.  Even when it’s hard, or scary, or uncertain, or I don’t like it, or I don’t understand.  Read the verse again. “So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God…” What does trusting Jesus look like? For me, every time my brain starts to worry or fear or try to control anything, I mentally tell myself that I trust Jesus with whatever my brain is stewing on.

“Jesus, I trust you with my time and productivity today.”

“Jesus, I trust you that rest is important even though I have a lot that needs to be done.”

“Jesus, I trust you with this situation even though I don’t like it.”

“Jesus, I trust that I am enough because your Word tells me that I am.”

“Jesus, I trust you with these messy emotions.”

Then I ask for His help to take the actions that align with the trust I have just declared. And I don’t always get it right. But His grace invites me to try again.

Today, may we make Jesus welcome in our life.  May we learn to trust Him with everything.  May we live for Him, because that is who we are.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Which parts of your old self have trouble realizing that they have been crucified?

How can you make Jesus welcome in your life?

How can you invite Jesus to be the central part of your life today?

What things are hard for you to trust Jesus to take care of?

How can you thank Him for dying for you?

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